We want to use the inner DRS4 counter(scaler) within more than the 100ms integration time. We guess that we need to modify the original firmware around this point:
-- Reference clock used for frequency counter
proc_1hzclk: process(I_RESET, I_CLK33)
if (I_RESET = '1') then
drs_1hz_counter(31 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
drs_1hz_clock <= '0';
scaler_reset <= (others => '1');
scaler_ff_reset <= (others => '1');
elsif rising_edge(I_CLK33) then
drs_1hz_counter <= drs_1hz_counter - 1; -- count down
scaler_reset <= (others => '0');
scaler_ff_reset <= (others => '0');
-- toggle refclk if timer expires
if (drs_1hz_counter(drs_1hz_counter'high) = '1') then
drs_1hz_clock <= not drs_1hz_clock;
drs_1hz_counter(31 downto 0) <= X"0016E35F"; -- 1499999, I_CLK33 is actually a 30 MHz clock
scaler_ff_reset <= (others => '1'); -- reset scaler_ff once every 100ms cycle
loop_scaler_reset : for i in 0 to 5 loop
if (scaler_ff(i) = '0') then -- no activity since last cycle?
scaler_reset(i) <= '1'; -- force clear scaler register
end if;
end loop;
if (scaler_ff(0) = '0') then -- no activity since last cycle?
scaler_reset(0) <= '1'; -- force clear scaler register
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Could you please tell us how to modify the firmware to increse the time up to 5 seconds for instance?
Thanks in advance, Arseny |