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Entry  Thu May 21 07:18:48 2020, Keita Mizukoshi, DRS4 Evaluation board control tool 'drscl' with macro file 
    Reply  Fri May 22 12:53:33 2020, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 Evaluation board control tool 'drscl' with macro file 
       Reply  Mon May 25 03:36:12 2020, Keita Mizukoshi, DRS4 Evaluation board control tool 'drscl' with macro file 
Message ID: 784     Entry time: Thu May 21 07:18:48 2020     Reply to this: 786
Author: Keita Mizukoshi 
Subject: DRS4 Evaluation board control tool 'drscl' with macro file 

Dear experts,


I would like to use DRS4 evaluation board as DAQ system for small, table-top experiment.

I need waveforms capture as binary file on some trigger based on command line without GUI.

I found `drscl` tool in official software, but it require interactive command. I'd rather use static macro or so on to control DAQ as same behaviour in each time.

I guess, experts are thinking users should develop DAQ code by themselves for their experiment specifically, but my request is very common so someone has already developed these tool.


Best regards,


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