I have seen in the app that the trigger source buttons do something different than the "or" and "transparent trigger" buttons:
If I enable the setup from the right, i.e. OR in CH4 and "Enable Transparent Trigger" the app stops triggering. This is the configuration that seems to be applied in the `drs_exam.cpp` code if I am not mistaken. For some reason in that code it still triggers (I have modified the code to trigger on CH4 instead of CH1 and the trigger level, polarity, etc.).
What does the button in the left actually do? The circular checkbox with the "4" I mean. This is the trigger configuration I want to get in the C++ code.
I also don't know what the function `DRSBoard::EnableTrigger` does, what is the meaning of `flag1` and `flag2`? In my code there is a call to this function which I copied from the example.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Unfortunately I have not idea what the problem could be. In principle the trigger should be independent of the sampling speed, since the trigger is only made with a discriminator and a flip-flop. The hardware must be ok since you see the trigger with the oscillocope app. All you can do is to go through the sorce code of the oscilloscope app, especially drsosc/Osic.cpp::ScanBoards(), SetTriggerLevel(), SetTriggerPolariy() etc. to make sure you do the same calls as the oscilloscope app.