Thanks for your help. If I look into the app the behavior for the 4 channels is exactly as you show:
Now, when I sample with my code something strange happens, two of the channels are fine and the other two are wrong:
This is a surprise to me because I acquire the 4 channels in the same way within a `for` loop. To get the time data I use `DRSBoard::GetTime` with the `tcalibrated` argument set to `true`. Is there any aditional step to use the calibration?
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Looks like you have the some time calibration, not sure if it's the correct one. Sample the sine wave from the calibration clock, once with and once without the timing calibration, then you will see if all points lie on a smooth line. Left: without timing calibration, right: with proper timing calibration:
If your points do not lie on a smooth line, you might habe a problem such as the wrong channel for calibration, an offset of 1 in the index of the time array or some other software bug. Measure the same signal with the DRSOsc application and then your code. If the results differ, you have a software problem on your side.