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Entry  Sat Oct 22 13:24:20 2022, Phan Van Chuan, Channel Cascading Option in the 2048-bin DRS4V51.png
    Reply  Mon Oct 24 12:50:24 2022, Stefan Ritt, Channel Cascading Option in the 2048-bin 
Message ID: 896     Entry time: Mon Oct 24 12:50:24 2022     In reply to: 895
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Subject: Channel Cascading Option in the 2048-bin 

The board is delivered in one or the other mode and not meant to be changed by the user, since this requires very delicate soldering which is not easy. If you try anyhow, you loose the quarantee. You can send the board back to the manufacturer for the modification, but this costs quite some moeny.

Best regards,

Phan Van Chuan wrote:

Dear Stefan,
We are using DRS4 evaluation board version 5.1 and firmware version 30000 (as the picture attached). Now, I am in need one channel with length 2048 bin. However, I can't find the resistors R99, ... ,R106 on the hardware of evaluation board; it seems my DRS4 evaluation board doesn't use 2048 bins per channel.
Our question is, can we repair this hardware to read 2048 bins/channel? if that is possible please let me know what to add on hardware/software of DRS4 evaluation.
Best regards.
Phan Van Chuan.


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