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Entry  Tue Apr 28 11:44:07 2009, Stefan Ritt, Simple example application to read a DRS evaluation board drs_exam.cpp
    Reply  Wed Apr 29 07:57:33 2009, Stefan Ritt, Simple example application to read a DRS evaluation board DRS.cppDRS.h
    Reply  Mon Apr 5 17:57:41 2010, Heejong Kim, Simple example application to read a DRS evaluation board 
       Reply  Tue Apr 13 14:15:16 2010, Stefan Ritt, Simple example application to read a DRS evaluation board 
Message ID: 8     Entry time: Wed Apr 29 07:57:33 2009     In reply to: 7
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Subject: Simple example application to read a DRS evaluation board 


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Several people asked for s simple application to guide them in writing their own application to read out a DRS board. Such an application has been added in software revions 2.1.1 and is attached to this message. This example program drs_exam.cpp written in C++ does the following necessary steps to access a DRS board:

  • Crate a "DRS" object and scan all USB devices
  • Display found DRS boards
  • Initialize the first found board and set the sampling frequency to 5 GSPS
  • Enable internal trigger on channel #1 with 250 mV threshold
  • Start acquisition and wait for a trigger
  • Read two waveforms (both time and amplitude)
  • Repeat this 10 times

I know that we are still missing a good documentation for the DRS API, but I have not yet found the time to do that. I hope the example program is enough for most people to start writing own programs. For Windows users (MS Visual C++ 8.0) there is a drs.sln project file, and for linux users there is a Makefile which can be used to compile this example program.



One note: The program drs_exam.cpp published in the previous message needs the current version of the DRS library in DRS.cpp and DRS.h. They are contained in the software release 2.1.1 which has to be downloaded. For simplicity, I attached the two files to this message.

Attachment 1: DRS.cpp  163 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all

  Name:         DRS.cpp
  Created by:   Stefan Ritt, Matthias Schneebeli

  Contents:     Library functions for DRS mezzanine and USB boards

  $Id: DRS.cpp 13351 2009-04-28 11:12:54Z ritt@PSI.CH $


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "strlcpy.h"

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#   include <windows.h>
#   include <direct.h>
#   include <unistd.h>
#   include <sys/time.h>
inline void Sleep(useconds_t x)
   usleep(x * 1000);

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <conio.h>
#define drs_kbhit() kbhit()
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
int drs_kbhit()
   int n;

   ioctl(0, FIONREAD, &n);
   return (n > 0);
static inline int getch()
   return getchar();

#include <DRS.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
extern "C" {

#include <mxml.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER

/*---- minimal FPGA firmvare version required for this library -----*/

/*---- VME addresses -----------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef HAVE_VME
/* assuming following DIP Switch settings:

   SW1-1: 1 (off)       use geographical addressing (1=left, 21=right)
   SW1-2: 1 (off)       \
   SW1-3: 1 (off)        >  VME_WINSIZE = 8MB, subwindow = 1MB
   SW1-4: 0 (on)        /
   SW1-5: 0 (on)        reserverd
   SW1-6: 0 (on)        reserverd
   SW1-7: 0 (on)        reserverd
   SW1-8: 0 (on)       \
   SW2-1: 0 (on)        |
   SW2-2: 0 (on)        |
   SW2-3: 0 (on)        |
   SW2-4: 0 (on)        > VME_ADDR_OFFSET = 0
   SW2-5: 0 (on)        |
   SW2-6: 0 (on)        |
   SW2-7: 0 (on)        |
   SW2-8: 0 (on)       /

   which gives
     VME base address = SlotNo * VME_WINSIZE + VME_ADDR_OFFSET
                      = SlotNo * 0x80'0000
#define GEVPC_BASE_ADDR           0x00000000
#define GEVPC_WINSIZE               0x800000
#define PMC1_OFFSET                  0x00000
#define PMC2_OFFSET                  0x80000
#define PMC_CTRL_OFFSET              0x00000    /* all registers 32 bit */
#define PMC_STATUS_OFFSET            0x10000
#define PMC_FIFO_OFFSET              0x20000
#define PMC_RAM_OFFSET               0x40000
#endif                          // HAVE_VME
/*---- USB addresses -----------------------------------------------*/
#define USB_TIMEOUT                     1000    // one second
#ifdef HAVE_USB
#define USB_CTRL_OFFSET                 0x00    /* all registers 32 bit */
#define USB_STATUS_OFFSET               0x40
#define USB_RAM_OFFSET                  0x80
#define USB_CMD_IDENT                      0    // Query identification
#define USB_CMD_ADDR                       1    // Address cycle
#define USB_CMD_READ                       2    // "VME" read <addr><size>
#define USB_CMD_WRITE                      3    // "VME" write <addr><size>
#define USB_CMD_READ12                     4    // 12-bit read <LSB><MSB>
#define USB_CMD_WRITE12                    5    // 12-bit write <LSB><MSB>

#define USB2_CMD_READ                      1
#define USB2_CMD_WRITE                     2
#define USB2_CTRL_OFFSET             0x00000    /* all registers 32 bit */
#define USB2_STATUS_OFFSET           0x10000
#define USB2_FIFO_OFFSET             0x20000
#define USB2_RAM_OFFSET              0x40000
#endif                          // HAVE_USB

/*---- Register addresses ------------------------------------------*/

#ifndef T_CTRL
#define T_CTRL                             1
#define T_STATUS                           2
#define T_RAM                              3
#define T_FIFO                             4

#define REG_CTRL                     0x00000    /* 32 bit control reg */
#define REG_DAC_OFS                  0x00004
#define REG_DAC0                     0x00004
#define REG_DAC1                     0x00006
#define REG_DAC2                     0x00008
#define REG_DAC3                     0x0000A
#define REG_DAC4                     0x0000C
#define REG_DAC5                     0x0000E
#define REG_DAC6                     0x00010
#define REG_DAC7                     0x00012
#define REG_CHANNEL_CONFIG           0x00014    // low byte
#define REG_CONFIG                   0x00014    // high byte
#define REG_CHANNEL_SPAN             0x00016
#define REG_FREQ_SET_HI              0x00018    // DRS2
#define REG_FREQ_SET_LO              0x0001A    // DRS2
#define REG_TRG_DELAY                0x00018    // DRS4
#define REG_FREQ_SET                 0x0001A    // DRS4
#define REG_TRIG_DELAY               0x0001C
#define REG_LMK_MSB                  0x0001C    // DRS4 Mezz
#define REG_CALIB_TIMING             0x0001E    // DRS2
#define REG_EEPROM_PAGE              0x0001E    // DRS4
#define REG_LMK_LSB                  0x0001E    // DRS4 Mezz

#define REG_MAGIC                    0x00000
#define REG_BOARD_TYPE               0x00002
#define REG_STATUS                   0x00004
#define REG_RDAC_OFS                 0x0000E
#define REG_RDAC0                    0x00008
#define REG_STOP_CELL0               0x00008
#define REG_RDAC1                    0x0000A
#define REG_STOP_CELL1               0x0000A
#define REG_RDAC2                    0x0000C
#define REG_STOP_CELL2               0x0000C
#define REG_RDAC3                    0x0000E
#define REG_STOP_CELL3               0x0000E
#define REG_RDAC4                    0x00000
#define REG_RDAC5                    0x00002
#define REG_RDAC6                    0x00014
#define REG_RDAC7                    0x00016
#define REG_EVENTS_IN_FIFO           0x00018
#define REG_EVENT_COUNT              0x0001A
#define REG_FREQ1                    0x0001C
#define REG_FREQ2                    0x0001E
#define REG_TEMPERATURE              0x00020
#define REG_TRIGGER_BUS              0x00022
#define REG_SERIAL_BOARD             0x00024
#define REG_VERSION_FW               0x00026


using namespace std;

#ifdef HAVE_USB
#define USB2_BUFFER_SIZE (1024*1024+10)
unsigned char static *usb2_buffer = NULL;


:  fNumberOfBoards(0)
#ifdef HAVE_VME
    , fVmeInterface(0)
#ifdef HAVE_USB
   MUSB_INTERFACE *usb_interface;

#if defined(HAVE_VME) || defined(HAVE_USB)
   int index = 0, i = 0;

   memset(fError, 0, sizeof(fError));

#ifdef HAVE_VME
   unsigned short type, fw, magic, serial, temperature;
   mvme_addr_t addr;

   if (mvme_open(&fVmeInterface, 0) == MVME_SUCCESS) {

      mvme_set_am(fVmeInterface, MVME_AM_A32);
      mvme_set_dmode(fVmeInterface, MVME_DMODE_D16);

      /* check all VME slave slots */
      for (index = 2; index <= 21; index++) {

         /* check PMC1 */
         addr = GEVPC_BASE_ADDR + index * GEVPC_WINSIZE;        // VME board base address
         addr += GEVPC_USER_FPGA;       // UsrFPGA base address
         addr += PMC1_OFFSET;   // PMC1 offset

         mvme_set_dmode(fVmeInterface, MVME_DMODE_D16);
         i = mvme_read(fVmeInterface, &magic, addr + PMC_STATUS_OFFSET + REG_MAGIC, 2);
         if (i == 2) {
            if (magic != 0xC0DE) {
               printf("Found old firmware, please upgrade immediately!\n");
               fBoard[fNumberOfBoards] = new DRSBoard(fVmeInterface, addr, (index - 2) << 1);
            } else {

               /* read board type */
               mvme_read(fVmeInterface, &type, addr + PMC_STATUS_OFFSET + REG_BOARD_TYPE, 2);
               type &= 0xFF;
               if (type == 2 || type == 3 || type == 4) {    // DRS2 or DRS3 or DRS4

                  /* read firmware number */
                  mvme_read(fVmeInterface, &fw, addr + PMC_STATUS_OFFSET + REG_VERSION_FW, 2);

                  /* read serial number */
                  mvme_read(fVmeInterface, &serial, addr + PMC_STATUS_OFFSET + REG_SERIAL_BOARD, 2);

                  /* read temperature register to see if CMC card is present */
                  mvme_read(fVmeInterface, &temperature, addr + PMC_STATUS_OFFSET + REG_TEMPERATURE, 2);

                  /* LED blinking */
#if 0
                  do {
                     data = 0x00040000;
                     mvme_write(fVmeInterface, addr + PMC_CTRL_OFFSET + REG_CTRL, &data, sizeof(data));
                     mvme_write(fVmeInterface, addr + PMC2_OFFSET + PMC_CTRL_OFFSET + REG_CTRL, &data,


                     data = 0x00000000;
                     mvme_write(fVmeInterface, addr + PMC_CTRL_OFFSET + REG_CTRL, &data, sizeof(data));
                     mvme_write(fVmeInterface, addr + PMC2_OFFSET + PMC_CTRL_OFFSET + REG_CTRL, data,


                  } while (1);

                  if (temperature == 0xFFFF) {
                     //printf("slot %d, fw %d, no CMC board in upper slot\n", index, fw);
                  } else {
                     //printf("slot %d, fw %d, CMC serial %d in upper slot\n", index, fw, serial);

                     fBoard[fNumberOfBoards] = new DRSBoard(fVmeInterface, addr, (index - 2) << 1);
                     if (fBoard[fNumberOfBoards]->HasCorrectFirmware())
                        sprintf(fError, "Wrong firmware version: board has %d, required is %d\n",

         /* check PMC2 */
         addr = GEVPC_BASE_ADDR + index * GEVPC_WINSIZE;        // VME board base address
         addr += GEVPC_USER_FPGA;       // UsrFPGA base address
         addr += PMC2_OFFSET;   // PMC2 offset

         mvme_set_dmode(fVmeInterface, MVME_DMODE_D16);
         i = mvme_read(fVmeInterface, &fw, addr + PMC_STATUS_OFFSET + REG_MAGIC, 2);
         if (i == 2) {
            if (magic != 0xC0DE) {
               printf("Found old firmware, please upgrade immediately!\n");
               fBoard[fNumberOfBoards] = new DRSBoard(fVmeInterface, addr, (index - 2) << 1 | 1);
            } else {
... 5173 more lines ...
Attachment 2: DRS.h  26 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
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