1. Transparent mode is not needed for the hardware trigger, no idea why the code is there. You can probably remove it.
2. EnableTCal is only for the sake of having some waveforms at the input. Indeed you have to disable it to sample real signals.
3. EnableTrigger() is there to enable the hardware trigger. The flag2 is ther for historical reasons (used in older versions of the board).
4. You figured that out already yourself.
5. The functions CalibrateVolt() and CalibrateTiming() are the ones which get called if you click on volt and time calibration in the DRSOsc application. The calibration is store on the evaluation board, so you do not have to call them in your program.
Matias Henriquez wrote: |
Hello, some updates:
4. I was able to capture correct waveforms using c++ code. I needed to use the function SetTriggerDelayNs() to properly capture my waveforms.
5. I noticed that the drsosc program source code uses the functions: CalibrateVolt() and CalibrateTiming() for performing calibration. For these to work, is it necessary to use EnableAcal() and EnableTcal() functions right?
I'd appreciate if you can still give some insights about 1,2 and 3. Thank you!
Matias Henriquez wrote: |
I need to write a script in C++ to take data using the DRS4 evaluation board v4. For that, I used the drs_exam.cpp example as a reference. This is my code (see attachement 2), which is very similar to the provided example, however the difference is that I need to trigger on CH1 OR CH2. In the next version I will need to trigger with an OR in all channels.
The problem is, my code gets stuck in waiting for trigger or only 1 event occurs (event 0). I read that event and it doesn't even go above 30mV, which was the threshold I set. There are some questions I have:
- Why Transparent mode is activated for Hardware Trigger?
- Why EnableTCal is activated? is the drs4_exam example based acquires the 100MHz reference just for the sake of the example? or is just a time calibration routine?
- Can someone explain the function EnableTrigger(flag1,flag2) in boardType 8? it si not clear to me how the trigger is enabled.
- To check that my input signals are correct, I run the drsosc application and I can see the signals with no problem (see attachement 1). However I noticed that I had to configure the trigger delay in the drsosc application, and I don't do that in my c++ code. I will try that later.
- How do I perform voltage calibration and time calibration using the c++ functions?
Thank you so much for your help.