Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Jinhong Wang wrote: |
Hi Stefan,
I found DRS draw a lot of current when applied Reset after power on, and the PLL does not work properly. I believe there was something that I misunderstood. So, what will happen when Reset is applied more than once after power on? . Though the chip worked well without a Reset, i want to try to find out what was wrong, for a better understanding of DRS.
best regards!
Have you made sure that DENABLE and DWRITE stays low during the reset?
Yes, they are stay low until Reset goes high. the process is as following
Step1: Reset ='1', DEnable ='0', DWrite ='0', Reg_addr ="1111", Rsload='0', Srin ='0'
Step2: Reset='0', the others do not change, the low of the pulse is longer than 10 ns.
Step3: Reset='1', the others do not change, wait for some time
Step4: DEnable ='1' to start the domino.