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icon5.gif   Cloning, posted by Gerfried Kumbartzki on Fri Jun 17 20:30:53 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: Cloning, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jun 17 22:08:28 2005 
       icon2.gif   Re: Cloning, posted by Gerfried Kumbartzki on Wed Jun 22 18:34:18 2005 
          icon2.gif   Re: Cloning, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jun 24 21:24:55 2005 
Message ID: 1196     Entry time: Fri Jun 17 20:30:53 2005     Reply to this: 1197
Icon: Question  Author: Gerfried Kumbartzki  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.0 
Subject: Cloning 
Elog is installed on a laptop (Redhat Linux 2.4.20-8) for quite a while. I like to have a "base" of that logbook on a server and keep it
in sync. Mirroring seem to be the perfect solution. For that I updated to elog v2.6.0 yesterday.

The server is an Alpha running Linux Redhat 7.1. I compiled from elog-latest.tar and installed elog in the 'same' locations as on the laptop.
Created a user elog and a group elog, put elogd.cfg, themes, logbooks ... in /usr/local/elog, owned by elog. Started the elogd, tested,
all seems to work. The elogd.cfg has a read and write passwd set. Any user can access the logbook, read and write after providing the proper user id and password.
Next I wanted to clone the logbooks from the laptop to the server. As superuser I can start elogd -v -C http://latop:8080, but get stuck right away with "Cannot contact elogd at http://laptop:8080/"
As user it works as follows:

Remote configuration successfully received.

Option "Mirror server =" added to config file.
Logbook directory "logbooks" successfully created.
Created directory "demo"
Indexing logbook "demo" ... Found empty logbook "demo"
Created directory "tfexp"
Indexing logbook "tfexp" ... Found empty logbook "tfexp"

Retrieve remote logbook entries? [y]/n:

Retrieving entries from ""...
ID1: Remote entry received

Retrieving entries from ""...
Error accessing remote logbook

Cloning finished. Check elogd.cfg and start the server normally.

Allthough, tfexp contains a number of entries all owned by elog like the entry in demo.
Beside missing the real stuff everything ends up in the users home directory. I would like it in the general area (/usr/local/elog for instance).

The other option is to use synchronize after changing [global] from with in the browser. Start elogd, open the logbook and click on config,
enter a Mirror server = http://laptop:8080/
Clicking synchronize give "Error accessing remote logbook"

Again, the logbooks are on both machines in /usr/local/elog/logbooks (owner:group elog:elog). The tfexp in this case is passwd protected.
Any user can access the elogs in both machines, locally or remote. But, I'm unable to synchronize the two.
Maybe somebody can point me in the right direction.

Thank's Gerfried
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