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icon5.gif   Cloning, posted by Gerfried Kumbartzki on Fri Jun 17 20:30:53 2005 
    icon2.gif   Re: Cloning, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jun 17 22:08:28 2005 
       icon2.gif   Re: Cloning, posted by Gerfried Kumbartzki on Wed Jun 22 18:34:18 2005 
          icon2.gif   Re: Cloning, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jun 24 21:24:55 2005 
Message ID: 1214     Entry time: Fri Jun 24 21:24:55 2005     In reply to: 1209
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.0 
Subject: Re: Cloning 

Gerfried Kumbartzki wrote:
But this is only part of the story. The logbook on the labtop is owned by the
default user elog and default group elog, that is needed to start up the elogd. Only a user "elog" can do the cloning, unless temporarily the owner ship in /usr/local/elog is changed. I made it work by temporarily changing the owner ship on both machines, did the cloning, changed back to owner elog, started elogd and all was running.

The /usr/local/elog files should be owned by user elog on both machines, and both elogd daemons should be started under user elog. Since only the two elogd daemons communicate with each other during synchronization, that should be fine. Only after the initial cloning (which you presumably do under your own user account), you have to do a "chmod" to change ownership of all files to uid/gid "elog/elog".

Gerfried Kumbartzki wrote:
I setup synchronizing and here too it works only if the read passwd in elogd.cfg is commented out.

As I said, the read password is not really supported for synchronization. It is there historically, from the times when there was no user level password access. If you use synchronization, you should use that authentication (by putting a "password file = ..." into your config.

Gerfried Kumbartzki wrote:
Here I have another question: My Elog is passwd protected, encrypted passwd in elogd.cfg (read and write). When connecting to the elog the window pops up asking for a user name and the passwd. I donot remember exactly, what was done to set name and passwd. But I find it "strange" that the user name can be anything as long as the passwd is right to access the ELog. I think I have to learn more about the whole user and passwd protection schema.

If you switch to user level password access, this problem goes away as well.

- Stefan
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