Emiliano Gabrielli wrote: | Here I am again 
My goal is to put a "Co-Authors" Attribute in my logbook, giving the possibility to other people in the control room to have credits about an entry... I added a "Co-Author" attribute, but It shold permit a "multliple" selection (a checkbox is not good) ... the perfect solution would be to add the attribute "multiple" to the <select> tag, and filling the elog Attribute value with a comma separated list of the selections ...
tnx in advance  |
Have you tried MOptions ... which gives you check boxes where more than one can be selected?
I presume you have, but you really would prefer a multi-selection box instead of multiple check boxes . Well, let's make a deal: if you explain everybody how to do a selection in a multi-select box (with all the Shift-Click, CTRL-Click, and this under different operating systems), I will implement it  |