Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Emiliano Gabrielli wrote: | a multiple selection box it's a standard web tool .. if one is not able to use its browser is not an elog problem IMHO |
Really? Can you point me to a common web site using this? I would really like to see how other people use this.
I can't remember just now a web site using it .. what I mean is that "multiple" attribute for the "select" tag is a standard for the web (it's not an IE extension or so on ..) so every web browser implements it.
It's normally used, for example, when you fill a form describing your attitudes, here you can often choose from a select box a number of interest you are concerded.. but it is only an example
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Emiliano Gabrielli wrote: | My request is becouse having a number of user (say 20) makes the checkbox solution very very nasty .. again, it's a choice you give to the smart user .. others simply will not notice any change in elog  |
Ok, I put it on my wishlist. If more than one person asks for this, I will implement it. Unfortunately it's not only putting a multiple into the HTML page, it's also a different way how multiple selections are passed in the POST form and their decoding, so it will be an hour or two of work for me. |
Yes I know, uhm... if you point me to the right piece of code to be adjusted I can see if I'll be able to do the job  |