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icon1.gif   wrapping of text in edit field, posted by Willem Koster on Fri Nov 1 13:33:01 2002 
    icon2.gif   Re: wrapping of text in edit field, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Nov 4 14:55:10 2002 
Message ID: 148     Entry time: Fri Nov 1 13:33:01 2002     Reply to this: 151
Icon: Entry  Author: Willem Koster  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: wrapping of text in edit field 
I noticed a long url got hard-wrapped when I entered a long one, I patched 
the source code. I don't know if this was done intentionally, otherwise you 
might want to change this also.

diff elogd.c 
<     rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=soft name=Text>", width);
>     rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=hard name=Text>", width);

BTW, why is the editor window 20 rows by 76 columns ?
(20 is fixed in the source code, but 76 is the width-variable that is set 
hard to:

  /* set textarea width */
  width = 76;

Now I don't like both parameters. 20 is too long for my display (1024x768) 
and 76 is too short. Something dynamically would be cool, but a parameter 
somewhere in a config file would also be acceptable. (just a thought, makes 
it easier to upgrade)
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6