> I noticed a long url got hard-wrapped when I entered a long one, I patched
> the source code. I don't know if this was done intentionally, otherwise you
> might want to change this also.
> diff elogd.c elogd.c.org
> 4468c4468
> < rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=soft name=Text>", width);
> ---
> > rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=hard name=Text>", width);
If the wrap=soft is used, users tend to enter very long lines (without
hitting return in between). If this line then gets displayed, it can be very
wide and the user has to horizontally scroll the browser window. What I can
do is in the display (not the entry) to concatenate URLs which are separated
only by a CR/LF. But you then have some cases where you have an URL to the
end of the line, then some other text starting on the next line, which then
get concatenated falsely (unless you use some clever code which scans
for ".html" or "xxx/xxx" or something like that.
> Now I don't like both parameters. 20 is too long for my display (1024x768)
> and 76 is too short. Something dynamically would be cool, but a parameter
> somewhere in a config file would also be acceptable. (just a thought, makes
> it easier to upgrade)
You always had the option "Message width = xx" to change the width on the
text box, and I added in V 2.2.2 the parameter "Message height = xx" where
you can change the 20 to something else. |