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icon4.gif   elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Mar 14 17:51:52 2006
    icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Mar 15 09:28:42 2006 Capture.jpgCapture.jpg
       icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Mar 15 21:42:25 2006 
          icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Mar 15 23:46:54 2006 elog_1.JPGelogd.cfgelogd_2.JPG
             icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Mar 21 00:05:43 2006 
                icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 3 17:09:19 2006 
                   icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Apr 7 05:07:20 2006 elog_2.JPG
Message ID: 1777     Entry time: Tue Mar 21 00:05:43 2006     In reply to: 1776     Reply to this: 1788
Icon: Reply  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.1-1668 
Subject: Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows 

Steve Jones wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:
Stefan, I have previously reported that elog crashes with a specific URL -- I have now re-created the crash running under WindowsXP Pro using the pre-packaged Windows installation that I just downloaded. I am attaching screenshots, etc. for your information but I think the source of the problem stems from using "Top Group". I hope that you are able to look into this as I have logged other issues that i believe are specifically related to the use of the Top Group feature. I am also including the .cfg that I used on my Windows box which is the same .cfg that I use in our Solaris environment.


again I could not reproduce your problem. See the attached screenshots. It just works fine with me (of course I miss the HTML files for the header and footer). I use however the most recent version of elog (Revision 1675). I also have a different password file. So try the following:

- look into your password file (it's a simple XML text file), it should contain something like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!-- created by MXML on Wed Mar 15 09:22:02 2006 -->
    <full_name>Stefan Ritt</full_name>
    <last_logout>Thu Feb 23 15:35:19 2006</last_logout>
    <last_activity>Wed Mar 15 09:22:02 2006</last_activity>

- make sure that you have the most recent version of elogd. Try at least elog261-3.exe under Windows.

- are you sure you need top groups? Top groups are ment for groups of logbooks which are completele unrelated, like from different departments, with different admins etc. Historically top groups were implemented because some elog installations had several elogd servers running in parallel for different departments. In you case, I suspect that "normal" groups might be enough, like:
Group Engineering Compute Change Logs = TX11-CL, TX30-CL, TX32-CL, AZ34-CL, AZ50-CL, FL29-CL, IL108-CL, IL05-CL, Approvals-CL, Template-CL
Group Engineering Compute Incident Logs =  TX11-IL, TX30-IL, TX32-IL, AZ34-IL, AZ50-IL, FL29-IL, IL108-IL, IL05-IL, Template-IL

Aacck! I thought sure that this would do it for you. Ok, to answer your last question first:
1> I am reasonably sure that I need top groups. The logbooks with the -CL extension have a common attribute structure. The logbooks with the -IL extension have a common attribute structure. Neither group is the same. Prior to using Top Group I was using a global config for the -CL's but manually maintaining consistent -IL configs was horrible. Top Group solved my problem: maintaining only two config "areas" as opposed to many is very efficient. Do you have another way of doing this other than running two instances of eLog?

2> My password file on Windows is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!-- created by MXML on Tue Mar 14 10:35:04 2006 -->
    <full_name>Steve Jones</full_name>
    <last_activity>Tue Mar 14 10:35:04 2006</last_activity>

3> I see your screen shots. Try going in and creating a new logbook and tell me if it dies. In the meantime is the latest version available in compiled form for Windows? If so, I'll install it and try again. At this point I am looking at starting a new config file from scratch but unless you can suggest another way I think Top Group is my only option.

Ok, I completed stripped any attributes and only defined top groups. eLog no longer crashes but returns a completely invalid page with invalid links when I attempt to create a new logbook - see screenshot below. This is good as it means something in the config was causing things to blowup. I have also attached my stripped out config.

Incidently, I added another screenshot - an invalid link when I *delete* a logbook gets returned "http://localhost:8080/Test4-CL/Engineering%20Compute%20Change%20Logs/". Definitely not a correct URL.

Steve Jones wrote:
BTW, Stefan, unless you can make the most recent version of a Windows eLog available I cannot test the most recent -- I do not have access to a Windows development environment. Solaris-Yes, Linux-Yes, Windoze-No.
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