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icon4.gif   elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Mar 14 17:51:52 2006
    icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Mar 15 09:28:42 2006 Capture.jpgCapture.jpg
       icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Mar 15 21:42:25 2006 
          icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Mar 15 23:46:54 2006 elog_1.JPGelogd.cfgelogd_2.JPG
             icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Mar 21 00:05:43 2006 
                icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 3 17:09:19 2006 
                   icon2.gif   Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Apr 7 05:07:20 2006 elog_2.JPG
Message ID: 1800     Entry time: Fri Apr 7 05:07:20 2006     In reply to: 1788
Icon: Reply  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.1-1668 
Subject: Re: elogd 2.6.1 program Crash is repeatable under Windows 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Steve Jones wrote:
BTW, Stefan, unless you can make the most recent version of a Windows eLog available I cannot test the most recent -- I do not have access to a Windows development environment. Solaris-Yes, Linux-Yes, Windoze-No.

There is a 2.6.1-4 version for Windows for download, which contains the most recent code.

Ok, I loaded the new Windows version ELOG V2.6.1-1681. The new version has the same behavior and it is entirely related to Top Group. With a simple Top Group setup things appear to work fine until one attempts to either create or delete a new logbook. There are other quirky things - I don't think Top Group is ready for really complex setups. In fact, this URL that is constructed by elog (http://localhost:8080/Engineering%20Compute%20Change%20Logs/Test/?cmd=Config) will cause elog to coredump but only with a very complex configfile. If I simply remove the "Top" from the "Group" directive I get the expected message "Error: logbook "Engineering Compute Change Logs" not defined in elogd.cfg
Please use your browser's back button to go back".

Another interesting point of reference - I went back to 2.5.9-4 (windows) and get the same behavior.

Now, making things really simple I added Top Group support to the demo that comes with the Windows install. This configfile:
port = 8080

Show top groups = 1
Top Group Demo Groups = demo, test7

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results in this redisplay after a new logbook create I have included in an attached screenshot. Please note that everything is generally not correct. So, even though eLog does not crash with this simple config it does support my observation that as I render the congfile more complex I corrupt eLog more until it finally crashes. Stefan, I would be interested in seeing how the above config runs on one of your windows systems.
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