I've got logbooks where I'm submitting entries on behalf of other users, or where other people should be notified of the ticket. This isn't a fixed list of people, and shouldn't be hard-coded into a config file. I've got a field to enter the user's e-mail address, but there's no action associated with that data.
I'd like to see a new field type that allows the entry of e-mail addresses, where each addresses supplied with the logfile entry would be automatically "CC'ed" in the notification e-mail. Ideally, people on the CC list would be (optionally) CC'ed when there are replies or edits to the original elog entry.
For example (snippet of fictional elogd.cfg):
[web site]
Welcome Title = Issues regarding the web site
MOptions Category = Add links, Change content, Broken Link, Other
CCMailTo = Notification List
Attributes = Author, Category, Severity, Subject, Entry ID, Status, User, Login
Extendable Attributes = Category, Severity, Subject, Status, User, Login, Notification List
Required Attributes = Category, Subject, Status, User
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