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icon3.gif   add field type to automatically email CC, posted by Mark Bergman on Thu May 25 19:41:51 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: add field type to automatically email CC, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Nov 9 22:08:10 2006 
       icon2.gif   Re: add field type to automatically email CC, posted by Arckonit on Wed Nov 15 18:50:02 2006 
          icon2.gif   Re: add field type to automatically email CC, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 15 19:33:17 2006 
Message ID: 2078     Entry time: Wed Nov 15 18:50:02 2006     In reply to: 2059     Reply to this: 2079
Icon: Reply  Author: Arckonit  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.1 
Subject: Re: add field type to automatically email CC 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Mark Bergman wrote:
I've got logbooks where I'm submitting entries on behalf of other users, or where other people should be notified of the ticket. This isn't a fixed list of people, and shouldn't be hard-coded into a config file. I've got a field to enter the user's e-mail address, but there's no action associated with that data.

I'd like to see a new field type that allows the entry of e-mail addresses, where each addresses supplied with the logfile entry would be automatically "CC'ed" in the notification e-mail. Ideally, people on the CC list would be (optionally) CC'ed when there are replies or edits to the original elog entry.

For example (snippet of fictional elogd.cfg):

[web site]
Welcome Title = Issues regarding the web site
MOptions Category = Add links, Change content, Broken Link, Other
CCMailTo = Notification List
Attributes = Author, Category, Severity, Subject, Entry ID, Status, User, Login
Extendable Attributes = Category, Severity, Subject, Status, User, Login, Notification List
Required Attributes = Category, Subject, Status, User

Just do the following:
Attributes = Author, Category, Notification list
Email all = $Notification list

Whenever you enter a new entry, you put a list of email addresses into the Notification list, which is then used for sending email addresses. This list also stays there in replies or edits.

mmmm when i try your suggestion, it doesn't work :
error from the smtp server
Erreur lors de l'envoi d'un mél. via "": Issue RCPT TO: command before DATA command

here is my config
Theme = default
Comment = Logs des modification de scripts des 3 domaines
Attributes = Acteur, Action, Type, Nom du Scripts, Language, Domaine, Categorie, Commentaires,Notification
Options Action = Ajout, Modification, Suppression, Réseau, Autre, Hotfix
Options Type = Ouverture de session,Autre, deploiement
Options Language = VBS, AU3, Kix, Batch, Ksh, Perl
Options Domaine = VaubanHumanis, Humanis, Vauban
Extendable Options = Catégorie, Type, Action
Required Attributes = Acteur, Type, Lieu
Page Title = Modification Scripts - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Type
Suppress Email to users = 1
# Email all =
Email all = $Notification
Options Status = 1-To Do{1}, 2-Open{2}, 3-Closed{3}, 4-Suspended{4}

you can remark the commented line
i would like to have one fixed list, so those users will be always alerted, and to be able to add and adress email in the notification attribute, but i really don't know how to do it
thx for any suggestions
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