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Message ID: 2224     Entry time: Fri Apr 27 14:06:34 2007
Icon: Idea  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: All  ELOG Version: SVN 1857+ 
Subject: How to make a table of contents 
For those people who have not fully understood the discussion of elog:2218, here is an example table of contents.

First Chapter

The table of contents consists of a set of [url] tags like this:

[url=#first]First chapter[/url]
[url=#second]Second chapter[/url]
[url=#thirs]Third chapter[/url]

Then the chapter header contains a tag like this:


to which the browser ups if you click the corresponding entry in the table of contents.

... empty lines to full up some space ...

Second chapter

You should jump here if you click on Second chapter at the table of contents.

Third chapter

You should jump here if you click on Third chapter at the table of contents.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6