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icon5.gif   User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri May 2 00:34:26 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 2 08:45:38 2003 
    icon5.gif   Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Robert Keeney on Fri May 2 15:58:23 2003 
       icon5.gif   Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri May 2 18:10:36 2003 
Message ID: 308     Entry time: Fri May 2 08:45:38 2003     In reply to: 307
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group 
> We would like to give access to selected users to only their Group. So that 
> for instance Users1 cannot access the books of group Users3. I was 
> wondering if there is any notion of "User profile" or security per logbook 
> Group implemented?

No, groups of users are not yet implemented, but it's on the wishlist and I 
added your vote for this item.

> What we do for now is that we have 3 different PASSELOG files and for each 
> Book we need to specify which PASSELOG should be used for authentication. 
> This works fine except that we prefer that users do not see the other 
> logbooks listed in the main menu nor the other "inaccessible" logbook tabs 
> in the logbook view. Is there a way to hide these for them (but only for 
> them)?

A (poor man's) work-around right now is to run three instances of elogd on 
three different ports, then use Apache as a proxy. I do this in this server 
for example. Under you see the public logbooks, 
while under you see some logbooks from an 
experiment here at our institute. The access control is completely separated, 
and you don't see the logbook tabs from the other group as well.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6