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icon3.gif   A NAME=... tags around the attachments, posted by Thomas Salein on Wed May 7 15:20:46 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: A NAME=... tags around the attachments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 7 21:15:57 2003 
Message ID: 321     Entry time: Wed May 7 15:20:46 2003     Reply to this: 328
Icon: Idea  Author: Thomas Salein  Author Email: none 
Category: Request  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: A NAME=... tags around the attachments 
Hello Stefan,

it would be useful, if the web server automatically produced tags <A NAME=
[AttachNo3]>Anhang 3</A> around the entry of the attachment. With this one 
could easily reference in the HTML text an attachement at the end of the 

I had a problem, when I just put a HTML text with <IMG> tags into the 
formular box and I could not reference them although they were available 
(and displayed pictures) as attachments.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6