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icon3.gif   A NAME=... tags around the attachments, posted by Thomas Salein on Wed May 7 15:20:46 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: A NAME=... tags around the attachments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 7 21:15:57 2003 
Message ID: 328     Entry time: Wed May 7 21:15:57 2003     In reply to: 321
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: A NAME=... tags around the attachments 
> it would be useful, if the web server automatically produced tags <A NAME=
> [AttachNo3]>Anhang 3</A> around the entry of the attachment. With this one 
> could easily reference in the HTML text an attachement at the end of the 
> page.

I added a name tag <A NAME=attx> where x is 1,2,3,... to the attachments 
(->CVS). So you reference them by "/<logbook>/<id>#attx" where x is the 
attachment number, <id> the message ID (the one displayed in the URL if you 
display a single message) and <logbook> is the logbook name.

> I had a problem, when I just put a HTML text with <IMG> tags into the 
> formular box and I could not reference them although they were available 
> (and displayed pictures) as attachments.

That won't work, since attachments are preceeded by the date/time, to avoid 
name collisions if two identical file names are submitted several times. You 
see that if you click on an attachment to display only that picture. The URL 
in the browser gives you the full URL including the date/time, which you 
have to use to reference that image. This is of course not possible if you 
are just submitting an entry, since you don't know which exact time the URL 
will get. So you first have to submit the message with the attachment, the 
lookup the attachment URL, then edit the message again and enter the full 
URL. Not very handy, I know, but right now the only way.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6