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icon1.gif   HTML page formating, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Mon May 19 23:54:09 2003 elog_improve_layout.jpg
    icon2.gif   Re: HTML page formating, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 15:52:52 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: HTML page formating, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jul 4 20:46:16 2003 
       icon2.gif   Re: HTML page formating, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri Jul 4 21:26:03 2003 
Message ID: 346     Entry time: Mon May 19 23:54:09 2003     Reply to this: 370   388
Icon: Entry  Author: Tomas Rudolf  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: HTML page formating 
Is there a possibility to integrate into ELOG some more features in terms 
of page formating?

Currently, the .cfg file allows you to specify only the data structure of 
the dataentry/consultation HTML page. And you only have very limited 
possibilities to change the layout of the page (basically only the order of 
attributes on the page and with the help of the .css file the font, color 
and background of the page as a whole).

What we would like to do is to :
+ apply a stylesheet class to an attribute (change the particular TD class)
+ specify the width of a textfield (sometimes it is really not necessary to 
have such a long textfield area for a 3-letter long code)
+ put an attribute on the same line as the previous one (instead of putting 
it automatically on the next line)

Therefore, in addition to the current attributes & parameters, we suggest 
the following syntax in the .cfg file:
+ parameter AttribPos which would specify the position of an attribute, 
it's lenght (for text attributes only) and the .css class to apply
+ parameters in [] are optional
AttribPos AttribName = same_line, width, [class]

AttribPos DateUp =  0,20, [important]   
+ Attribute "DateUp" will be put on the next line, the textfield width will 
be 20 characters and a .important class will be applied to it from the 
default (or specified) .css file.

AttribPos DateUp =  1,15,
+ this puts the DateUp attribute on the same line, width 15

We believe that these improvements would help to make the ergonomy of the 
screen better and thus facilitate the user-dataentry/consultation. 
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