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icon1.gif   HTML page formating, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Mon May 19 23:54:09 2003 elog_improve_layout.jpg
    icon2.gif   Re: HTML page formating, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 15:52:52 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: HTML page formating, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jul 4 20:46:16 2003 
       icon2.gif   Re: HTML page formating, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri Jul 4 21:26:03 2003 
Message ID: 388     Entry time: Fri Jul 4 20:46:16 2003     In reply to: 346     Reply to this: 389
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: HTML page formating 
I implemented your request. The syntax is:

Format <attribute> = <flags>,<css_class_name>,<css_class_value>,<width>,<size>

  Sum of following values:
    1: Display attribute in same line as previous attribute
    2: Display radio buttons or check boxes in separate lines (if applicable)

  Cascading Style Sheet class names used for cells containing attribute name
  or value, respectively. The classes must be defined in the style sheet file 
  (usually themes/default/default.css)

  Width of the text entry field in characters

  Maximum number of characters allowed. 

Default is "0, attribname, attribvalue, 80, 500". Trailing parameters can be 
ommitted, so specifying for example only the flags is possible.

In order to have several attributes in one line, each line is now a separate 
table. This requires adjustment of the CSS class "attribname". Best you use 
the current default stylesheet (

You can compare the two different approaches (one attribute per line/multiple 
attributes per line) in this forum and the "archive" logbook. The "subject" 
field in this forum also uses a different style class.

Note that if you upgrade to the current CVS version 
(, you also 
have to change following options in your elogd.cfg:

- The style sheet must contain the new class "attribhead"
- "Email message body" has been replaces by "Email format"
- "Filtered browsing" is now off by default
- Locking (during editing of messages) is disabled by default, and enabled 
by "Use lock = 1"
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6