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icon5.gif   (How) can I hide columns in List view?, posted by T. Ribbrock on Mon Oct 20 15:32:19 2008 
    icon13.gif   Re: (How) can I hide columns in List view?, posted by T. Ribbrock on Thu Oct 23 11:45:51 2008 
    icon2.gif   Re: (How) can I hide columns in List view?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Oct 30 04:17:09 2008 
       icon3.gif   Re: (How) can I hide columns in List view?, posted by T. Ribbrock on Thu Oct 30 09:44:25 2008 
          icon14.gif   Re: (How) can I hide columns in List view?, posted by T. Ribbrock on Thu Oct 30 11:05:11 2008 
Message ID: 66013     Entry time: Thu Oct 23 11:45:51 2008     In reply to: 66008
Icon: Disagree  Author: T. Ribbrock  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.7.5-2130 
Subject: Re: (How) can I hide columns in List view? 

T. Ribbrock wrote:

One thing I don't understand for example is how does elog decide in List view which entry sets the condition? If all entries are set to the same value (in this example e.g. "Type1")? The first entry? Or am I missing something altogether?


 By now, I'm one step further. List conditions = 1 does have some effect in some cases - the following works:

Options Type = Type1{10}, Type2{11}
Options StatusA = Status-A-red, Status-A-orange, Status-A
{10}Style StatusA Status-A-red = background-color:red
{11}Style StatusA Status-A-red = background-color:green

This seems to get evaluated "top-down", i.e. the value of "Type" in the first row in the list sets the handling of StatusA and the background-color, the second row for the third and so on. Unfortunately, this really only depends on the order of the rows on the screen - if I sort the list differently, I get a different result.

I am also quite certain that List conditions = 1 has no effect whatsover on List display - which is what I was hoping for.

Hence, I'd like to repeat my question: Is there any way to hide columns in List view (short of editing the conf file...) - and if so, how?



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