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icon5.gif   Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Tue Jul 28 19:14:23 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 29 09:33:16 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Wed Jul 29 09:59:02 2009 
          icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 29 10:17:49 2009 
             icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Wed Jul 29 10:33:53 2009 
                icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Thu Jul 30 17:35:50 2009 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Aug 3 10:00:18 2009 
                      icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Tue Aug 4 10:48:26 2009 
                         icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 4 11:22:18 2009 
Message ID: 66475     Entry time: Tue Jul 28 19:14:23 2009     Reply to this: 66478
Icon: Question  Author: Ricardo Goncalo  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Mac OSX  ELOG Version: 2.7.6 
Subject: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog  


I'm trying to synchronize an elog in my computer with my personal elog in my institute's server. The two elogd.cfg files are necessarily different since the elog in my institute is for many people's elogs, so I'm not completely sure this is supposed to work.  

I've copied the configuration of my (remote) elog into my local elogd.cfg file, and added in the global section of the local file:



Mirror server =

Mirror Config = 1

Mirror cron = 0 7-19 * * 0-5

Mirror user = ricardo

Password file = [my password file]



Then I relaunched my local elogd demon and tried both to synchronize the local elog and to wait for the cron job to do it. When I try to synchronize the "ATLAS Trigger" elog I get in the browser:

"Safari can’t open the page “https://localhost:8080/ATLAS+Trigger/?cmd=Synchronize” because Safari can’t establish a secure connection to the server “localhost”"


(the local elog is in https://localhost:8080/ATLAS+Trigger/)

When I wait for cron to update from the mirror this is what I get in the log:


28-Jul-2009 18:51:09 [] SSLServer listening on port 8080 ...


28-Jul-2009 18:50:00 [] Cron job started

28-Jul-2009 18:50:00 [] {ATLAS Trigger} MIRROR: Remote server is not an ELOG server

Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong? I thought it might be the password, but checked that the one in the local password file should be the same as in the remote server. Then I thought it could be the path to the remote server, but can't figure out what might be bad about it and it still doesn't work after a few variations. Another possibility is the elog version: 2.7.3 in the remote server and 2.7.6 locally. Any ideas would be welcome... this is a very convenient feature and it would be great to get it to work!


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6