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icon5.gif   Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Tue Jul 28 19:14:23 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 29 09:33:16 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Wed Jul 29 09:59:02 2009 
          icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 29 10:17:49 2009 
             icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Wed Jul 29 10:33:53 2009 
                icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Thu Jul 30 17:35:50 2009 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Aug 3 10:00:18 2009 
                      icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Ricardo Goncalo on Tue Aug 4 10:48:26 2009 
                         icon2.gif   Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog , posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 4 11:22:18 2009 
Message ID: 66484     Entry time: Thu Jul 30 17:35:50 2009     In reply to: 66481     Reply to this: 66488
Icon: Reply  Author: Ricardo Goncalo  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Mac OSX  ELOG Version: 2.7.6 
Subject: Re: Problems when trying to set up mirror elog  

Ricardo Goncalo wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ricardo Goncalo wrote:

Ok, to see if I understand. You mean setting SSL = 0 in my cfg file and leaving the rest as it is, right? Then I synchronize by hand and I guess I'll be prompted for the password. Perhaps I should remove my local password file to avoid that the password is send unencrypted?

That's correct. The password will be sent unencrypted if you get prompted, but if you use the automatic scheme the password will be encrypted (but not the logbook entries of course). But your concerns are right, running this thing not over SSL is a bad thing these days...

 Ok, thanks a lot! I'll try asap and report back. 

Hi again,

Unfortunately I only got 1/2 hour to go back to this... I was trying to avoid copying the whole remote elog server from 20 people (that's what I get with the automatic cloning, right?)

So, I set SSL=0 and removed the password file, but still got the same result. Then I looked in the code a bit, and can see that the problem happens in retrieve_remote_md5(...) in the lines:

   p = strstr(text, "ELOG HTTP ");
   if (!p) {
      if (isparam("debug"))
      sprintf(error_str, loc("Remote server is not an ELOG server"));

in elogd.c, where I see text is filled by retrieve_url()

So what seems to fail is that retrieve_url() gets back a string from the remote server which doesn't include the string "ELOG HTTP ". But I don't know what that really means. Here is what I get if I try:

bash-3.2$ /usr/local/sbin/elogd -v -m -p 8080 -c /usr/local/elog/elogd.cfg -D

I get the following output:

Indexing logbook "ATLAS Trigger" in "/usr/local/elog/logbooks/ATLAS Trigger/" ... 


Config [ATLAS Trigger],                           MD5=1FAE83FC1D3B920AFDB3DC5F49C25FAF



  ID   1, 090728a.log, ofs     0, thead, MD5=8D8E44C14FCFA9E2FC24CEC14E60D5ED

After sort:

  ID   1, 090728a.log, ofs     0


Indexing logbook "Top physics and SLT" in "/usr/local/elog/logbooks/Top/" ... 


Config [Top physics and SLT],                           MD5=C6A82A4BD6FF708BFDA3EA8719ECE48C


Found empty logbook "Top physics and SLT"

Indexing logbook "Trigger Slices and Core SW" in "/usr/local/elog/logbooks/Slices/" ... 


Config [Trigger Slices and Core SW],                           MD5=316B8D7A8FBA661518FD61D3BAC39F3C



  ID   2, 090727a.log, ofs     0, thead, MD5=AA8B0B0972718F9BD95F5BA89E70DD97

  ID   3, 090727a.log, ofs  3870, thead, MD5=A69E46D18074A59C4445B72EE72F025D

  ID   4, 090727a.log, ofs  8354, thead, MD5=0DC3AF86F2A88ACD76E766FA1AA08665

  ID   5, 090730a.log, ofs     0, thead, MD5=59299CDFA98983EB33EC08CF1A8FF7C0

  ID   6, 090730a.log, ofs 10120, thead, MD5=0039C61DA667AA36D06A5772F8E3D0FA

After sort:

  ID   2, 090727a.log, ofs     0

  ID   3, 090727a.log, ofs  3870

  ID   4, 090727a.log, ofs  8354

  ID   5, 090730a.log, ofs     0

  ID   6, 090730a.log, ofs 10120



Retrieving entries from " Trigger"...

Remote server is not an ELOG server I'm running out of options. Any ideas would be welcome!

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6