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icon5.gif   Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem, posted by Chuck Brost on Wed Sep 16 16:37:35 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 16 23:54:12 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem, posted by Chuck Brost on Thu Sep 17 18:31:44 2009 
          icon2.gif   Re: Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Sep 17 18:44:52 2009 
             icon2.gif   Re: Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem, posted by Chuck Brost on Thu Sep 17 20:46:51 2009 
                icon2.gif   Re: Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem, posted by soren poulsen on Sun Nov 8 23:25:25 2009 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 10 14:56:07 2009 
                      icon2.gif   Re: Re: Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem, posted by soren poulsen on Wed Nov 18 13:51:55 2009 
Message ID: 66551     Entry time: Thu Sep 17 18:44:52 2009     In reply to: 66549     Reply to this: 66552
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.6-2236 
Subject: Re: Elog & SSL Export to CSV , Problem 

Chuck Brost wrote:

 Ah, now this is humorous, when the client first came to me, that was almost exactly the work around I gave him, open it, CTRL-A to highlight it all, CTRL-C to copy it, Move to the excel spreadsheet, CTRL-V to paste it into Excel. Select Data, Text to Columns, and you have an Excel Spreadsheet.   They wanted me to post the change in function anyway, though I told Vamsi, "just watch, someone will post the same workaround that I already gave to the clients".  So you see why I find it amusing.  I would say Great Minds Think Alike, but that would be giving myself a bit too much credit (grin).  First, thank you for proving me right on my prediction and if you should happen to make a change that would get around this SSL change in behavior, it would make a group of manufacturing types that are not quite as comfortable with computers as we are, very happy.   Please let us know.

I can easily remove the "no-cache" from the header, but as I wrote you, people can then shoot themselves into the foot by getting an old document, and I guess they become even less happy then. So you tell me which way you prefer. 

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