Fantastic. I forgot the icon and when I resent nothing was left. 
Here goes again!
I have been running Elog for years on a Win2K machine with no email problems. I have been forced to move it to a WinXP machine and I always get this message under WinXP: "Error sending Email via "": Cannot connect to server"
I noticed this a long time ago but was not concerned until I wqas forced to use WinXP. We have years of data in the Elog and to lose the use of it would hinder our operation a lot.
Here is an entry from the elog.log file when it worked under Win2K:
28-Oct-2009 18:28:38 [609144@] {Generals} NEW entry #0
28-Oct-2009 18:28:38 [609144@] {Generals} Email from <> to, SMTP host
28-Oct-2009 18:28:42 [609144@] {Generals} 220 -- Server ESMTP (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 6.3-8.01 (built Dec 16 2008; 32bit))
Here is an entry from today's elog.log under WinXP that does not work.
06-Mar-2010 11:48:23 [117361@] {Gbld} NEW entry #0
06-Mar-2010 11:48:23 [117361@] {Gbld} Email from <> to, SMTP host
06-Mar-2010 11:48:23 [117361@] {Gbld} READ entry #1612
We use an SMTP server without authentication.