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icon5.gif   elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by John Rouillard on Sun May 2 17:43:06 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by John Rouillard on Sun May 9 18:12:28 2010 
       icon2.gif   Re: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon May 10 09:55:12 2010 
          icon2.gif   Re: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by John Rouillard on Mon May 17 04:01:16 2010 
             icon2.gif   Re: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by John Rouillard on Mon May 17 04:19:29 2010 elog_GetPwdFile_diff.patch
                icon2.gif   Re: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue May 18 13:21:32 2010 
                   icon2.gif   Re: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by John Rouillard on Tue May 18 21:17:35 2010 
                      icon2.gif   Re: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 19 09:57:50 2010 
                         icon2.gif   Re: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by John Rouillard on Thu May 20 03:37:59 2010 
                            icon2.gif   Re: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message, posted by John Rouillard on Sat Jun 12 05:55:39 2010 
Message ID: 66801     Entry time: Sun May 2 17:43:06 2010     Reply to this: 66813
Icon: Question  Author: John Rouillard  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux | Other  ELOG Version: 2.7.8 
Subject: elogd -C failing to sync password file with "Received invalid response from elogd server" message 

I am running release 2.7.8 of elog. I am using the cloning/syncing features
to maintain a backup/slave and at some point it stopped cloning the password

Operating systems/software:

   master: ubuntu 10.4 using locally compiled elog 2.7.8-2278
   slave: solaris 10 using locally compile elog 2.7.8 without SSL support

A sample run (hostname edited - available by private email if needed) is:

  $../elogd -C 
  Overwrite local "elogd.cfg"? [y]/n:  y

  Remote configuration successfully received.

  Option "Mirror server =" added to config file.
  Option "URL = xxx" has been outcommented from config file.

  Retrieve remote password files? [y]/n:  y
  Received invalid response from elogd server at

Running with -v doesn't produce any useful diagnostics as to what the invalid response is.

Trussing the process (again with host name editing) shows:

send(3, 0xFFBEE890, 93, 0)                      = 93
   G E T   / D i s c u s s i o n / ? c m d = G e t P w d F i l e  
   H T T P / 1 . 0\r\n C o n n e c t i o n :   C l o s e\r\n H o s
   t :   h o s t . e x a m p l e . o r g : 8 0 8 0\r\n\r\n
poll(0xFFBEC070, 1, 30000)                      = 1
recv(3, 0x011057B0, 251000, 0)                  = 119
   H T T P / 1 . 1   4 0 4   N o t   F o u n d\r\n S e r v e r :  
   E L O G   H T T P   2 . 7 . 8 - 2 2 7 8\r\n C o n t e n t - T y
   p e :   t e x t / h t m l ; c h a r s e t = I S O - 8 8 5 9 - 1
  \r\n C o n n e c t i o n :   C l o s e\r\n\r\n

If logged in as myself I go to
I do get the data so this looks like a password/authentication issue.

I have added Mirror user = rouilj to elogd.cfg, and it is present in the cloned elogd.cfg
but still no joy. I also copied the passwd file to the clone and made sure that it was being
successfully found and opened during the clone operation.

So where do I go from here in trying to troubleshoot the problem?

-- rouilj
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6