Hi Rouilj,
re-posting your bug report doe not help. If I'm not replying immediately it means I'm pretty busy with other things, so just be patient.
Your problem is related to the reply from the server you posted. After you send
GET /Discussion/?cmd=GetPwdFile
you should get the login page, which starts with
HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows
<title>ELOG Login</title>
but you do get
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
The best thing to diagnose this problem is to run the server with the "-v" flag, so you don't have to run truss. Then compare the request sent by your cloning process (your GET /Discussion/?cmd=GetPwdFiel from above) and compare it if you send from your browser
now without sending any cookies. Maybe you can figure out why the server replies with a 404 instead of a 200 when run from the cloning process. Try a very simple elogd.cfg on your sever side, just the basic thing with a "Password file = ..." setting. Do you have any blanks in your logbook name? Are you using Apache as a proxy?
Anyhow, if this does not work for you, just copy your password file manually as you did already. The rest should then work fine for you.
- Stefan |