> In my case the original .pdf file is elsewhere, I've no need to have duplicates scatted in various logbooks, and
> while ideally that would also be true of the thumbnail, it is fair enough for this to be stored in each logbook
> where it is required. This removes the issue of how to have an attachment in a different logbook (other than by
> links, which would get rather tiresome to have to keep making).
> Anyone any ideas?
If you just want to show a thumbnail of an attachment in a public logbook, then just add a link to it. like
<img src="https://abk.web.psi.ch/tmp/t.png" alt="" />

or in your example you show the thumbnail in the hidden logbook by adding in the text body:
<img src="<your-host-url>/public/110705_235520_whatthis-0.png" alt="" />
Of course the attachment has to be in the public logbook and the link in the hidden one. |