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icon5.gif   Adding an image to the top text, posted by Danielle Gillanders on Wed May 9 00:55:08 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Adding an image to the top text, posted by David Pilgram on Wed May 9 01:07:43 2012 
Message ID: 67266     Entry time: Wed May 9 00:55:08 2012     Reply to this: 67267
Icon: Question  Author: Danielle Gillanders  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: Latest 
Subject: Adding an image to the top text 

Hi there,

I am new to ELOG, trying to add an image (logo) in my top text.

Theme = default
Comment = TRIPLE POINT Log
Top text = Logo.png

results in ‰PNG  .

When I just enter a string of text it seems to work fine... I would really appreciate any help!



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