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icon5.gif   Adding an image to the top text, posted by Danielle Gillanders on Wed May 9 00:55:08 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Adding an image to the top text, posted by David Pilgram on Wed May 9 01:07:43 2012 
Message ID: 67267     Entry time: Wed May 9 01:07:43 2012     In reply to: 67266
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: Latest 
Subject: Re: Adding an image to the top text 

Danielle Gillanders wrote:

Hi there,

I am new to ELOG, trying to add an image (logo) in my top text.

Theme = default
Comment = TRIPLE POINT Log
Top text = Logo.png

results in ‰PNG  .

When I just enter a string of text it seems to work fine... I would really appreciate any help!



 Hi there,


I'm not sure where it appears in the documentation, but question 9 of the FAQs shows that 'Bottom text' has to be in html - and so does 'top text'

The get-it-done-now way to do it would be

Top Text = <img src=Logo.png>

(and ensure Logo.png is in the same directory as the config file - otherwise you'd best put the path of where it is in).

Of course you can do all sorts of things with this, such as centering, have it so that if you click on the logo you get taken to some other home page, but for

all that sort of thing check up with a guide to html.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6