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icon14.gif   Support for modern Linux, posted by Vinícius Ferrão on Wed Nov 7 12:56:12 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 7 13:14:15 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by Graham Medlin on Wed Nov 7 13:45:10 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by Louis de Leseleuc on Wed Nov 7 20:48:03 2012 
       icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Nov 7 22:29:11 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by Achim Dreyer on Sat Apr 27 14:09:13 2013 
Message ID: 67378     Entry time: Wed Nov 7 22:29:11 2012     In reply to: 67377
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: Re: Support for modern Linux 

Louis de Leseleuc wrote:

Vinícius Ferrão wrote:

Hello folks,

Can we have a better support under modern Linux distributions?

I'm trying to install elog in our webserver and it's becoming a boring task. First of all theres only RPM packages. And we really don't like the Red Hat method, so we use Debian Servers. More package mainteners would be nice.


The software appears to be working correctly, but there are some bugs (or perhaps missing dependencies?); the init script put in /etc/rc.d/init.d is broken under Debian:

First of all because it's in /etc/rc.d.


The second problem is in this line:


# Source function library.

#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

The file doesn't even exists. 

The Debian init script contributed here has been working quite well for me for the last few Ubuntu versions. Unless you edit it, it sets the elog base directory to /etc  so that's where you have to put your themes dir, resources, .conf file, scripts, logbooks, etc. I use symlinks to actually store my logbooks elsewhere.

I would also vote for a sane deb package. Right now, when I upgrade ELOG, I don't even run make install, I just copy the compiled binaries to their respective directories (/usr/bin or /usr/sbin). The rest stays the same.

Hi Louis,

I'm a little surprised by your comment that you use symlinks 'to store your logbooks elsewhere'.

I start the daemon with

 /usr/local/sbin/elogd -p 8080 -c /home/logbooks/elogd.cfg -d /home/logbooks

so that both my logbooks *and* the config file are both based on my preferred location, which is a subdirectory of /home.  No symlinks  OK, themes are elsewhere, but for backup purposes, that's a rather lesser issue. 

I have no idea why the default logbook location is /usr/local/elog/logbooks which does not strike me as a sensible location (at least on Slackware).  Maybe such an odd location was to force users to choose a better location...(the -d switch).

To all:

I use Slackware (currently 13, I hear there are some issues with 14 for programs I wish use), and I compile from the sources.  Usually from random svn versions as a general pain-in-the-neck for Stefan.  I've never had to make a [Slackware] package for distribution - I have issued patches and/or source distribution, depending on your point of view.  If someone can provide the advice, I'd certainly try and do a Slackware distribution, but I do have Real Work to do as well, so it may not be done immediately.  I think Ubuntu is fairly close to Slackware, not sure about Debian, which I *thought* was close to Red Hat.

Now I *do* understand what some of the other contributors to this thread are doing, as I do something similar for other programs that are now unmaintained and no longer compile with GCC4 or earlier.  The email program I use is a ten-year-old binary & libraries I compiled under Slackware 7 (if not, 4), and I copy the relivent binaries, libraries and dependances across when I upgrade the o/s.  Yes, one day it will fall down.  Three other programs I regularly use are similarly now 'legacy'.  My 'C' coding isn't up to the major changes apparently needed to allow them to compile again with a modern compiler.

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