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icon14.gif   Support for modern Linux, posted by Vinícius Ferrão on Wed Nov 7 12:56:12 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Nov 7 13:14:15 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by Graham Medlin on Wed Nov 7 13:45:10 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by Louis de Leseleuc on Wed Nov 7 20:48:03 2012 
       icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Nov 7 22:29:11 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Support for modern Linux, posted by Achim Dreyer on Sat Apr 27 14:09:13 2013 
Message ID: 67486     Entry time: Sat Apr 27 14:09:13 2013     In reply to: 67374
Icon: Reply  Author: Achim Dreyer  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: Re: Support for modern Linux 

Vinícius Ferrão wrote:

Hello folks,

Can we have a better support under modern Linux distributions?

I'm trying to install elog in our webserver and it's becoming a boring task. First of all theres only RPM packages. And we really don't like the Red Hat method, so we use Debian Servers. More package mainteners would be nice.


The software appears to be working correctly, but there are some bugs (or perhaps missing dependencies?); the init script put in /etc/rc.d/init.d is broken under Debian:

First of all because it's in /etc/rc.d.


The second problem is in this line:


# Source function library.

#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

The file doesn't even exists.


The third problem is the echo_success; echo_failure commands that doesn't even exist. As I can see it's definitions are sourced in the functions file that doesn't exist.


After removing this missing commands or files from the init.d; I can call elogd script and start the daemon under root. Appears to be working...


And last but not least; there's a way to standardize the init script to run in other Linux distros, so we can put it to start automatically at boot time?


Many thanks in advance,

Vinícius Ferrão 


PS: I'm not asking to support any creepy distros, but to support the .deb package format and system style.





/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions is part of the initscripts.rpm - so only usable on RedHat/CentOS..

Can someone also update ? It was last updated in 2001 and the download directory contains a debian package that was last updated 2004. If debian is not supported in a current version that bit should be removed from the page.

Kind regards,
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6