We use ELOG for many years and enjoy it's functions every day!
Lately, we see errors whenever we add an entry in elog: 554 MailTransferAgentServer ESMTP not accepting messages
We see this from various ELOG servers. Other (non ELOG) servers using the same MailTransferAgentServer do not heve this error.
We are able to send mail messages from the ELOG machines manually via TELNET. So, from a functional point of view, all works well.
We had this error in the past and found out that the cause of this error lies in (network) time-outs.
1) Has anyone seen this error before?
2) Is it possible to increase the timeout value used by ELOG?
3) Are the emails that could not be sent stored in a queue/resent later or are they lost?
4) is there a fix?
Any replies are highly appreciated!
T I A !