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icon5.gif   Re-using IDs after move to another Logbook overwrite Entries, posted by Barend on Wed Jan 2 15:38:19 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: Re-using IDs after move to another Logbook overwrite Entries, posted by David Pilgram on Thu Jan 10 22:07:10 2013 
       icon2.gif   Re: Re-using IDs after move to another Logbook overwrite Entries, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jan 11 08:17:37 2013 
          icon2.gif   Re: Re-using IDs after move to another Logbook overwrite Entries, posted by Barend on Thu Jan 24 10:42:13 2013 
             icon2.gif   Re: Re-using IDs after move to another Logbook overwrite Entries, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Feb 6 13:22:53 2013 
                icon2.gif   Re: Re-using IDs after move to another Logbook overwrite Entries, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Feb 6 18:18:24 2013 
Message ID: 67428     Entry time: Thu Jan 24 10:42:13 2013     In reply to: 67425     Reply to this: 67429
Icon: Reply  Author: Barend  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.9 
Subject: Re: Re-using IDs after move to another Logbook overwrite Entries 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

David Pilgram wrote:

Barend wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I have observed following behavior when I move entries from one logbook to another:

  1. The first entry in "Open" get ID "1"
  2. When I move this Item to "Closed", it will keep ID "1" as I have used "Preserve IDs = 1"
  3. A new entry in "Open" gets ID "1" again
  4. When I move this item to "Closed" it will overwrite the previous ID "1" in "Closed"
  5. A new entry in "open" gets ID "1" again....

Every new entry in "Open" will get the next higher ID Number related to the highest available ID number/entry in "Open".

Upon "move to Closed", the previous entries in "Closed"will be overwritten.

Is there a way to prevent the usage of a previously used ID Number when entering a new ID?
I.e. If an entry with ID "1" has been used in "Open" and moved to "Closed", have the next entry in "Open" use ID "2"?

Kind regards,


 Hi Barend,

The counting of entries, or even "tickets", only works within a particular logbook.  If you archive a set of entries to another [archive] logbook, the archived set disappears from view of the original logbook.  Should that entry, from logbook to archive, be the *latest* thread, then there is the danger of over-writing message ID, Ticket No and the like.


My policy to prevent the problem is to archive only threads that are say (depending upon use) a month after last entry..



I generally consider using the ID as ticket number a bad idea. The ID is the "primary key" (in terms of database language), and must be unique inside a logbook. So when moving entries between logbooks, there will be always problems.

Why don't you define an attribute "Ticket ID" and use that one? That won't change when you move the entry between logbooks:

Attributes =  Ticket ID, Subject, ...
Preset Ticket ID = ID-#####


 Hi All,


I have tried to use the "Ticket ID" approach and with each new entry this Ticket ID is indeed increased automatically...

But when the last Entry (with the highest Ticket ID i.e. ID-0009) is move to another Logbook, the Ticket ID in the next new entry will be "ID-0009" again (based upon the last previous entry "ID-0008").

So this appraoch will also re-produce duplicate Ticket IDs.

Is it possible to have the Ticket ID preset with value based upon the Date & Time of the entry? Instead of holding a Date/Time format, use a calculated numeric format?

This way, each new entry will have a truely unique Ticket ID.

Thanks & Regards, Barend 

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