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icon5.gif   Unable to set a custom logbook dir on Debian 8 from the repository package, posted by S. Caiazza on Tue May 31 20:03:53 2016 
    icon2.gif   Re: Unable to set a custom logbook dir on Debian 8 from the repository package, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jun 27 16:06:55 2016 
Message ID: 68323     Entry time: Tue May 31 20:03:53 2016     Reply to this: 68342
Icon: Question  Author: S. Caiazza  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: Unable to set a custom logbook dir on Debian 8 from the repository package 

Dear all

I installed elog from the current stable repository on Debian 8 (jessie)

The installation went on smoothly, I modified the configuration files of the Apache server as described in the manual to use the elog in parallel with an existing webserver and then I tested. The demo logbook loads fine and I see that elog created a folder for the logbook in /var/lib/elog/logbooks, which is the directory specified by default in the /etc/init.d/elog file.

Then I modified the /etc/elog.conf file, added the following lines in the global section (custompath is a local path) 

Resource dir = /<custompath>/elog/res
Logbook dir = /<custompath>/elog/logbooks

And I created a new logbook.

After restarting the elog service the second database is correctly created but both of them are still stored in  /var/lib/elog/logbooks so it seems the global configurations in the config file are overwritten.

How can I specify the custom folder so that the new logbooks are written there?

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6