I didn't realize you required every detail of the command, since the entry is being logged, but here is an example (only the user information is blanked out):
/usr/local/bin/elog -h vmna62s1 -p 8080 -l NA62Logbook -u xxxx xxxx -a Author=Rubin -a Type=Problem\(s\) -a Category=Elog -a Subject="Client Initiated E-mail Notification" "Tests"
From elogd.cfg:
Options Type = Routine{1}, Problem(s){2}, Other{3}
Options Category = Access, Beam, CHANTI, CHOD, Computer/Network, DCS/DSS, Elog,
GTK, HASC, IRC/SAC, KTAG, LAV, LKr, MUV, NewCHOD, Online Monitor, RICH, Run, Run
Control, Shift, STRAW, TDAQ
{1} Email Category Elog =
{2} Email Category Elog = Philip.Rubin@cern.ch
{3} Email Category Elog =
The TDAQ-category command that is misbehaving is essentially identical:
/usr/local/bin/elog -h vmna62s1 -p 8080 -l NA62Logbook -u xxxx xxxx -a Author="Run Control" -a Type=Problem\(s\) -a Category=TDAQ -a Subject="Board Reload" "KTAG4"
Andreas Luedeke wrote: |
If that is your command then it is obvious why no email is send:
you do set "Type=Type", but only for "Type=Problem(s)" and "Category=TDAQ" you would send an email.
Instead of writing "-h host" you should as well define the actual hostname, like "-h midas.psi.ch", likewise for all other parameter.
Phil Rubin wrote: |
Thank you for responding.
I thought I provided the command at the end of the note:
/usr/local/bin/elog -h host -p port -l Notebook -u user passwd -a Author="Author" -a Type=Type -a Category=Category -a Subject="subject" "text"
This results in an entry being appropriately logged in Notebook with the correct author, type, category, subject, and text. The only problem is that, when the type is such that email notification should be sent to the list associated with category, it is not sent.
For the record, I reconfigured elogd.conf so that parentheses are no longer there, but this made no difference, so this isn't the problem.
Sorry for forgetting these details: bash shell; linus version 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64
Andreas Luedeke wrote: |
Yes, parentheses in field content might be difficult to pass from a shell command. You did not even mention which Linux shell you are using and you did not show the actual elog command. Maybe you want to add that information?
Phil Rubin wrote: |
Our configuration sends out e-mail notifications based on a hierarchy of attributes, and works fine with WEB submissions, but not with client utility submissions (no notifications are sent; the log doesn't show it even trying to send any: 14-Jul-2017 18:36:01 [rubinp@nn.nn.nn.nn] {Notebook} NEW entry #0) . Since notification is the default (suppression requires -x), I presume there is something wrong with the way we're going about this. Can you see what it is? Could it be the parentheses in the type Problem(s), which have to be sent at the shell in the client command as Type=Problem\(s\)?
Suppress Email to users = 1
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
Options Type = Routine{1}, Problem(s){2}, Other{3}
Options Category = ... TDAQ ...
{1} Email Category TDAQ =
{2} Email Category TDAQ = user1@aa.bb, user2@cc.dd,...
{3} Email Category TDAQ =
Use Email Subject = Elog Notice: $subject
Command: /usr/local/bin/elog -h host -p port -l Notebook -u user passwd -a Author="Author" -a Type=Type -a Category=Category -a Subject="subject" "text"