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icon4.gif   Elog ID entry bug at >99999 entries, posted by Joseph McKenna on Fri May 4 14:43:35 2018 sequencer_events.png
    icon2.gif   Re: Elog ID entry bug at >99999 entries, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Fri May 4 16:05:32 2018 elog-test.png
       icon2.gif   Re: Elog ID entry bug at >99999 entries, posted by Chris Rasmussen on Sat May 5 11:22:50 2018 sequencer_event_100098.PNGsequencer_event_10009X.PNG
          icon2.gif   Re: Elog ID entry bug at >99999 entries, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Sat May 5 20:55:23 2018 
             icon2.gif   Re: Elog ID entry bug at >99999 entries, posted by Chris Rasmussen on Mon May 7 18:10:20 2018 
                icon14.gif   Re: Elog ID entry bug at >99999 entries, posted by Joseph McKenna on Tue May 8 16:17:28 2018 
          icon2.gif   Re: Elog ID entry bug at >99999 entries, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon May 7 14:24:18 2018 
Message ID: 68794     Entry time: Sat May 5 11:22:50 2018     In reply to: 68793     Reply to this: 68795   68796
Icon: Reply  Author: Chris Rasmussen  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: Re: Elog ID entry bug at >99999 entries 

Hi Andreas, I'm working on the same experiment as Joseph who submitted the bug report.

You are right, IDs greater than 10^5 are created no problem. The issue is with the internal elog link, in this case of the form elog:SequencerEvents/XXXXX  The link generated uses only the first 5 digits of the message ID, and therefore links to the wrong message. In the two attachments you can see our sequencer event number 100098, first displaying the message where all of the ID is displayed and secondly in "full" view of the elog front page. Here, the "ID" column contains a link with the string: elog:SequencerEvents/10009. Our problem is that we often use this string to paste into other elogs and generate a link to the sequencer event message. However, since the string uses too few digits, we end up with a link to the wrong message

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

I am not sure I understand your bug report.

I can easily create IDs greater than 100'000 (see attached picture), but that is not your problem, or is it?

Cheers, Andreas

Joseph McKenna wrote:

We have a possible bug with elog that the ID for an elog entry at over 99,999 entires reads as 10,000... 

68792/1 Illistrates the problem, we use this ID often to cross reference from out datalog...

Is this a know bug we can find a fix for? We are using:  elogd 2.9.2 built Jul 14 2015, 18:58:06 revision



Attachment 1: sequencer_event_100098.PNG  57 kB  Uploaded Sat May 5 12:30:24 2018  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: sequencer_event_10009X.PNG  23 kB  Uploaded Sat May 5 12:30:31 2018  | Hide | Hide all
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