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icon4.gif   xmalloc error when filling entries and chaning page, posted by Antonio Iuliano on Wed Dec 12 10:44:57 2018 elogd.cfg
    icon2.gif   Re: xmalloc error when filling entries and chaning page, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Dec 21 13:00:50 2018 
Message ID: 68878     Entry time: Fri Dec 21 13:00:50 2018     In reply to: 68872
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.2 
Subject: Re: xmalloc error when filling entries and chaning page 

I tried to reproduce the problem but could not. The config file uses "emtpy.html", "filtermenutext.html" and so on which I don't have. Same with eventlocation.

Rather than sending me all the files, can you strip down your elogd.cfg to a minimal version where you still see the problem. Then give me all information to reproduce it. You also have to tell me when the error occurs, like when you submit a new entry, scan through entries etc.


Antonio Iuliano wrote:

Dear ELOG experts,

the ELOG server on our lab crashes  continuosly, when we add a new entry or even if we click the arrows to navigate between entries. Following the FAQ on the website, I have used gdb and found the following error:

xmalloc: not enough memory

[Inferior 1 (process 23271) exited with code 01]

It should be then some allocation issue when we try to access to the entries, but I could not figure the nature of the issue. I was, however, able to reproduce it with a fresh ELOG installation and the same configuration file (ELOG cloned from git and installed today)

Could you please give me any suggestion? I attach here the configuration file we use.

Best regards,

Antonio Iuliano


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6