Dear, sir! There is a problem with a configuration file.
The code was compiled by Cygwin (gcc-core, gcc-g++, make, gdb, libssl-dev). After a compilation a reference to our own css-file was written in configuration file and css-file was included in a folder “themes/default” of the project.
The problem is that in running elog-3.1.4-1 (and upper versions) css-file name in a code of a page has some random symbols before file-name, for example: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ø9öÿeLogOUK.css">. It was found that the problem is resolved if a string “Password file=passwd” is deleted, but in this case it is impossible to set passwords to the users.
Here is an example of configuration file which is taken from the forum and just one string (CSS=elogOUK.css) has added to the code
What can be done to resolve this problem?