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icon5.gif   Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Tamas Gal on Tue Jul 19 11:01:00 2022 
    icon2.gif   Re: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 19 11:13:09 2022 
       icon2.gif   Re: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Tamas Gal on Tue Jul 19 11:17:44 2022 
          icon2.gif   Re: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Tamas Gal on Tue Jul 19 11:24:36 2022 
             icon2.gif   Re: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 19 11:40:59 2022 
                icon2.gif   Re: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Tamas Gal on Tue Jul 19 12:36:04 2022 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Tamas Gal on Tue Jul 19 12:38:12 2022 Screenshot_2022-07-19_at_12.37.55.png
                      icon2.gif   Re: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 19 12:48:42 2022 
                         icon2.gif   Re: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Tamas Gal on Tue Jul 19 12:57:37 2022 Screenshot_2022-07-19_at_13.02.19.png
                            icon5.gif   Re: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer?, posted by Tamas Gal on Fri Jan 20 14:11:52 2023 
Message ID: 69542     Entry time: Tue Jul 19 11:01:00 2022     Reply to this: 69543
Icon: Question  Author: Tamas Gal  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.3 
Subject: Too many redirects when running behind load balancer? 

We were running ELOG for many many years in our experiments and the instance was operated on a Debian XEN server as a container. I am now trying to migrate it into our Docker Swarm cluster and I am using the Docker image, which works very well with our logbooks when I run it as a single container. However, when I put the container behind my load balancer (HAProxy) using the simple HTTP mode (which works very well for all the other HTTP-based services) with this simple configuration:

    mode http
    server-template km3net-elog- 1 km3net-elog_elog:8080 check resolvers docker init-addr libc,none

I get a "too many redirects" error when I try to access one of the logbooks. The starting page works fine, but every other link leads to a pile-up of redirects.

Here is the current instance running, where you can see the behaviour: (all log entries deleted and only two logbooks activated)

My question is: what kind of redirect could go wrong here? I don't know how the internal HTTP server of ELOG works, but maybe someone faced similar issues.

My ELOG configuration is also pretty basic, and as I wrote above, everything works when I run it without the load balancer (single instance at the moment). Here is the top part of the configuration, it contains a few dozens of logbooks but they are configured the very same way. 

;User Settings
Password file = login.xml
Admin user = km3net_admin
Self register = 0
Allow password change = 0
Allow config = km3net_admin

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