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icon1.gif   update elog downloads page, posted by Konstantin Olchanski on Fri Sep 15 21:42:38 2023 
    icon2.gif   Re: update elog downloads page, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 18 14:38:30 2023 
Message ID: 69693     Entry time: Fri Sep 15 21:42:38 2023     Reply to this: 69696
Icon: Entry  Author: Konstantin Olchanski  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Other  ELOG Version: latest 
Subject: update elog downloads page 
The elog downloads page is slightly out of date,

1) the "git clone" instructions work (but there is no git tags corresponding to different releases, I suggest adding test: "elog developers 
recommend always using latest version from elog git repository").

2) "elog source code", recommends downloading tar file, but latest tar file is from February 2023, probably out of date. people who can compile elog 
from sources can do "git clone", is the "tar" method still relevant?

3) windows binaries, latest available is from 2018, before the famous security fixes, probably no longer safe for running on the open internet. I 
suggest we remove this section and say "sorry, windows binaries no longer available".

4) linux binaries, all links are dead, and we have requested removal of elog packages from red hat, debian and ubuntu. (and they have been removed).

ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf