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  67319   Tue Aug 28 22:48:47 2012 Question Szu-Ching Pecknerspeckner@nd.eduQuestionLinuxlatestshow permitted individual logbooks on selection page

How do I make selection page show only list of logbooks that logged on user has access to? 

Right now, say I have 4 logbooks, and I have access to 2 of them. I turned on Protect Selection page = 1. So when I go to home page, I need to logon first, then I am given selection page. I am given list of 4 logbooks, I can only click into 2, which is expected.  

Instead of given list of 4 logbooks, I would like to know if there is a way to make selection page only contains 2 logbooks which I have access to?



  1265   Thu Jul 14 12:47:06 2005 Entry Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportAll short/long_name should point the same user
.. I mean that if I use:
Restrict edit                 = 1
; preset author and email
Preset Author                 = $short_name
Preset Author Email           = $user_email
Preset on reply Author        = $short_name
Preset on reply Author Email  = $user_email
Subst on reply subject        = Re: $subject

; these attributes cannot be changed
Locked Attributes             = Author, Author Email

and then I change Preset Author to be "$long_name" Elog does not permit the autor to edit an old post of its own ...
It is not able to argue that short and long name are the same person..

Yes I know, you'll ask me why I should change it .. the anwer is.. I don't have to, but (as I could do it logically) I'd like to be able to do..

In my case I changed it by error, people inserted entries and now I restored the correct one .. so now I have to unlock the attribute and change every Author by hand as admin
  68811   Thu May 24 08:53:50 2018 Question Xuan restrict edit

Hi all,

There are options "Restrict edit" and "Restrict edit time" for general logbooks, but it seems not work for shiftcheck logbook. I think the function only author can change their own entry is necessary for shiftcheck too. Any suggestion would be hightly appreciated.



  1178   Mon Jun 6 12:25:53 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinux2.6.0-betashell exec not working
It seems that, since Fri 2005-06-03, 12:50 almost, the shell exec feature is not invoked anymore.
the -x flag is present in the command line and the elog.cfg Parameters are present both for edit and for insert..
I'm not disabling shell exec by the checkbox

the dummy-level log in syslog does not show *anything* about shell exec.
  1611   Thu Jan 19 16:59:38 2006 Question Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chQuestion 2.6.xsettings for "show only new entries"
how ca i set the date for the "show only new entries" button? maybe i missed somethin on the elog.cfg description?
thank's for hint! Smile
  98   Fri Aug 9 21:10:20 2002 Question tony summerfeltsnowzone25@yahoo.comQuestion  self-registration
i seem to be unable to find a clear explanation of how to enable self-registration in the docs.

just to be sure i grepped the doc directory, but the two references to it were in the changelog and the faq.

it could be just me but i'm not reading between the lines or connecting the various places in the docs to get it going :/
  111   Fri Aug 16 09:06:17 2002 Idea eric wootenwootene@verizon.netRequest  self register enhancmenets
Couple Wish List Items for the Self Register:

-allow the user to pick which type of log entries (which categories, etc) 
they would like to subscribe to and receive notifications on.   

-Option to use an existing LDAP database to authenticate users instead of 
maintaining a password file.
  121   Fri Aug 16 22:56:44 2002 Idea eric wootenwootene@verizon.netInfo  self - registering - How It Works - or at least how i've gotten it to work
Create a blank text file (called mine passwd.txt)
Place the text file somewhere in the elog directory structure
(I placed mine in c:\elog\passwd.txt because i wanted to use it globally 
for all logbooks.  I believe this forum places it in \elog\logbooks\forum 

For the Elogd.cfg:

; general options
Password file = c:\elog\passwd.txt
Admin user = user1
Self register = 1
Theme = default


logbook tabs = 1
tab cellpadding = 2
SMTP host =
URL = http://myelog
Password file = c:\elog\passwd.txt
Admin user = user1
Self register = 1

For the first time logging in, Click Login from the Forum Pages, then at 
the login screen, click Register as New User
Fill out all the appropriate information

Login name: user1 (seems to be case sensative)
Full name: First User
Automatic email notification:  (box checked)
Password:  password (seems to be case sensative)
Retype password:  password (seems to be case sensative)

Then click Save

If you open up the passwd.txt file you should see something like:


Some other examples based on what info you provided during the 

user1::First   (password left blank)
user1:cGFzc3dvcmQ=:First (NO Auto email Notify)
user1::First User::all (password and email address left blank)

If you leave the Full Name blank then the logged in user will not be 
reflected correctly in the logbook.

Hope this helps.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6