show permitted individual logbooks on selection page, posted by Szu-Ching Peckner on Tue Aug 28 22:48:47 2012
How do I make selection page show only list of logbooks that logged on user has access to?
Right now, say I have 4 logbooks, and I have access to 2 of them. I turned on Protect Selection page = 1. So when I go to home page, I need to
logon first, then I am given selection page. I am given list of 4 logbooks, I can only click into 2, which is expected. |
short/long_name should point the same user, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Thu Jul 14 12:47:06 2005
.. I mean that if I use:
shiftcheck restrict edit, posted by Xuan Wu on Thu May 24 08:53:50 2018
Hi all,
There are options "Restrict edit" and "Restrict edit time" for general logbooks, but it seems not work for shiftcheck logbook.
I think the function only author can change their own entry is necessary for shiftcheck too. Any suggestion would be hightly appreciated. |
shell exec not working, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Mon Jun 6 12:25:53 2005
It seems that, since Fri 2005-06-03, 12:50 almost, the shell exec feature is not invoked anymore.
the -x flag is present in the command line and the elog.cfg Parameters are present both for edit and for insert..
I'm not disabling shell exec by the checkbox
settings for "show only new entries", posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Thu Jan 19 16:59:38 2006
how ca i set the date for the "show only new entries" button? maybe i missed somethin on the elog.cfg description?
thank's for hint! :-) |
self-registration, posted by tony summerfelt on Fri Aug 9 21:10:20 2002
i seem to be unable to find a clear explanation of how to enable self-registration in the docs.
just to be sure i grepped the doc directory, but the two references to it were in the changelog and the faq.
self register enhancmenets, posted by eric wooten on Fri Aug 16 09:06:17 2002
Couple Wish List Items for the Self Register:
-allow the user to pick which type of log entries (which categories, etc)
self - registering - How It Works - or at least how i've gotten it to work, posted by eric wooten on Fri Aug 16 22:56:44 2002
Create a blank text file (called mine passwd.txt)
Place the text file somewhere in the elog directory structure
(I placed mine in c:\elog\passwd.txt because i wanted to use it globally