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  69781   Tue Apr 9 13:49:51 2024 Reply David V3.1.4-395Re: today date in template
This was given to me by Andreas Luedeke of this parish. 

In my elog.cfg file, I have the following:

Preset text = $shell(date '+[%d %b %y]')\n

and this puts at the top of every new thread I make today the following line

[09 Apr 24]

And for the same result for every reply as well, I have in elog.cfg

Prepend on reply = $shell(date '+[%d %b %y]')\n\n----------\n

with the ten dash characters to show the end of the thread, so the reply entry goes above the dashes.

Obviously time, name of day etc can be included by using the strftime codes.

> > This is a nice idea, but currently no text substations in templates are implemented. It only works in attributes right now.
> but can it be done by javascript injection? load a custom .js or .html file, in this file run javascript code to root down the DOM tree until you 
> find the right place, replace .innerHTML with current date?
> K.O.
  Draft   Tue Apr 9 13:40:44 2024 Reply David V3.1.4-395Re: today date in template
This was given to me by Andreas L, 

In my elog.cfg file, I have the following:

Preset text = $shell(date '+[%d %b %y]')\n

and this puts at the top of every new thread I make today the following line

[09 Apr 24]

And for the same result for every reply as well, I have in elog.cfg

Prepend on reply = $shell(date '+[%d %b %y]')\n\n----------\n

with the ten dash characters to show the end of the thread, so the reply entry goes above the dashes.

Obviously time, name of day etc can be included by using the strftime 

> > This is a nice idea, but currently no text substations in templates are implemented. It only works in attributes right now.
> but can it be done by javascript injection? load a custom .js or .html file, in this file run javascript code to root down the DOM tree until you 
> find the right place, replace .innerHTML with current date?
> K.O.
  69779   Tue Apr 9 09:25:01 2024 Reply Nick Sauerweinnick.sauerwein@luxtelligence.aiInfoLinux3.1.4Re: Extendable list of numeric items

thanks for your answer. I completely get your point. However, I think my question as not precise enough.

I would like to have a numeric input, but many at the same time. When I make a new post, I would like to have an attribute 'wafer_IDs' that specifies the list of wafers this process has been performed with. So for a single post I would like to have a list like this:

wafer_IDs = numeric value, numeric value, numeric value, extendable

Note: I am not referring here to the option. The numeric values are freely chooses numbers, the only this that varies from post to post is the number of numeric values put.

Let me make an example (If the attribute were a string this would be the equivalent):

1st post: A process that was run with 3 wafers (ID: 1000, ID: 1001 and ID: 1002):
wafer IDs = 1000, 1001, 1002

2nd post: A process that is run with 2 wafers (ID: 1000 and ID: 1002):
wafer IDs = 1000, 1002

The string solves the issue, but is not as nice as having directly a list of integers.

Thanks for your help!


  69778   Tue Apr 9 04:50:28 2024 Reply Konstantin Olchanskiolchansk@triumf.caQuestionLinuxELOG V3.1.4-395Re: today date in template
> This is a nice idea, but currently no text substations in templates are implemented. It only works in attributes right now.

but can it be done by javascript injection? load a custom .js or .html file, in this file run javascript code to root down the DOM tree until you 
find the right place, replace .innerHTML with current date?

  69777   Tue Apr 9 04:46:36 2024 Reply Konstantin Olchanskiolchansk@triumf.caInfoLinux3.1.4Re: Extendable list of numeric items
I think what you want already exists, for example, when I reply to this message, there is this "Category" selection box with predefined answers 
"Info", "Bug report", etc. For your case, replace "Category" with "Wafer type ID", replace "Info" with "1", "Bug report" with "2", etc. You numeric 
values will be strings containing numbers "1", "2", etc. That works for you? K.O.
  69776   Mon Apr 8 17:23:00 2024 Reply Nick SauerweinHi nick.sauerwein@luxtelligence.aiInfoLinux3.1.4Re: Extendable list of numeric items

Hi John,

thanks for the info =). Do you known whether there is an example of how to use the list-boxes attributes?



John Kelly wrote:
Hi Nick,
If I understand your question correctly maybe this might help:
Search for 'attribute' and you will find this: 
"some attributes may be pre-filled from system variables (like your user name). Pre-filled attributes may be still editable or read-only (like the entry creation date. 
Attributes may be text fields (limited to 100 characters), list-boxes (max. 100 values), or check-boxes. There is also a special type of attribute where several values are listed on a line with check-boxes, and you can check as many values as needed."
I guess this above is like creating  an attribute field, that has attribute names. I *thought* there was a way to leave attributes open where users could create their own 'attribute' names, but  the information above is all of what I remember from my past in depth work with Elog.

Nick Sauerwein wrote:

Hey eloggers,

I am setting up an ELOG to log the cleanroom fabrication in our startup (Luxtelligence SA). The fabrication is structured in different process steps that are performed by several wafers at the same time (each wafer as an ID).

I am looking for an possibility to put a list of several integers as one of the attributes.

Here an example:

Attributes = Batch ID, Wafer IDs

Type Batch ID = numeric

Type Wafer IDs = extendable list of numeric values

Does something like this exsist?

Thanks in advance for your help.



  69775   Mon Apr 8 17:08:11 2024 Reply John Kellyjohn@secondcomingtechnologies.comInfoLinux3.1.4Re: Extendable list of numeric items
Hi Nick,
If I understand your question correctly maybe this might help:
Search for 'attribute' and you will find this: 
"some attributes may be pre-filled from system variables (like your user name). Pre-filled attributes may be still editable or read-only (like the entry creation date. 
Attributes may be text fields (limited to 100 characters), list-boxes (max. 100 values), or check-boxes. There is also a special type of attribute where several values are listed on a line with check-boxes, and you can check as many values as needed."
I guess this above is like creating  an attribute field, that has attribute names. I *thought* there was a way to leave attributes open where users could create their own 'attribute' names, but  the information above is all of what I remember from my past in depth work with Elog.

Nick Sauerwein wrote:

Hey eloggers,

I am setting up an ELOG to log the cleanroom fabrication in our startup (Luxtelligence SA). The fabrication is structured in different process steps that are performed by several wafers at the same time (each wafer as an ID).

I am looking for an possibility to put a list of several integers as one of the attributes.

Here an example:

Attributes = Batch ID, Wafer IDs

Type Batch ID = numeric

Type Wafer IDs = extendable list of numeric values

Does something like this exsist?

Thanks in advance for your help.


  69774   Mon Apr 8 15:46:49 2024 Question Nick Sauerweinnick.sauerwein@luxtelligence.aiInfoLinux3.1.4Extendable list of numeric items

Hey eloggers,

I am setting up an ELOG to log the cleanroom fabrication in our startup (Luxtelligence SA). The fabrication is structured in different process steps that are performed by several wafers at the same time (each wafer as an ID).

I am looking for an possibility to put a list of several integers as one of the attributes.

Here an example:

Attributes = Batch ID, Wafer IDs

Type Batch ID = numeric

Type Wafer IDs = extendable list of numeric values

Does something like this exsist?

Thanks in advance for your help.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6