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  69789   Wed Apr 24 12:55:25 2024 Question | Other3.1.5Imagemagick not working on Ubuntu

Hi Team,

I have set up Elog on the Ubuntu server using the compile and install method. I have installed ImageMagick and GhostScript along with that.

You can find "ImageMagick detected" mentioned in the service status provided below:


● elogd.service - The ELOG Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/elogd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-04-23 08:59:50 UTC; 1 day 1h ago
       Docs: man:elogd(8)
   Main PID: 858 (elogd)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 9365)
     Memory: 163.5M
        CPU: 25.825s
     CGroup: /system.slice/elogd.service
             └─858 /usr/local/sbin/elogd -D -c /usr/local/elog/elogd.cfg

Apr 23 08:59:50 systemd[1]: Starting The ELOG Server...
Apr 23 08:59:50 elogd[858]: elogd 3.1.5 built Mar 21 2024, 17:20:15
Apr 23 08:59:50 systemd[1]: Started The ELOG Server.
Apr 23 08:59:50 elogd[858]: revision fe60aaf0
Apr 23 08:59:50 elogd[858]: CKeditor detected
Apr 23 08:59:51 elogd[858]: ImageMagick detected
Apr 23 09:00:08 elogd[858]: Server listening on port 8080


root@server1# identify -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.11-60 Q16 x86_64 2021-01-25
Copyright: (C) 1999-2021 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenMP(4.5)
Delegates (built-in): bzlib djvu fftw fontconfig freetype heic jbig jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png tiff webp wmf x xml zlib


However, the ImageMagick was found to be not working on my logbook. See the below error on the logbook.

Cannot create thumbnail, please check ImageMagick installation

I have attached a screenshot for reference.

Please could someone help me how to solve this?

Many thanks,

Attachment 1: image.png
  69788   Sat Apr 20 18:47:37 2024 Warning David Extendable list of numeric items
I have replied to this entry, because, for some reason I don't understand, if I reply to your latest entry, I am
automatically logged out.  I tried this multiple times, and also on many other entries and had no issues other than
entry 69787 - any reason for this, Stefan?

Anyway, what about MOptions? That appears to do what your example, and needs two lines in elog.cfg file:

Moptions WaferID = 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005
Extendable Options = WaferID

I've done a couple of quick tests on a test logbook I keep for such experimentation, and it appears to do all 
you have asked of it.  I added a new option 1006.  However, I found that one has to add that new one on its own, 
let the entry become proper, and then edit the entry to add the other, existing, values.   If you tick entries and 
also add a new one, then your new entry is all those listed on their own, that is you would get and new entry
in the config file such as "1002 | 1004 | 1006", rather than just 1006

This is probably an result of an unexpected use of Moptions and extendable options, rather than a bug per se.

> Hey, 
> thanks for your answer. I completely get your point. However, I think my question as not precise enough.
> I would like to have a numeric input, but many at the same time. When I make a new post, I would like to have an attribute 'wafer_IDs' that specifies the list of wafers this process has been performed with. So for a single post I would like to have a list like this:
> wafer_IDs = numeric value, numeric value, numeric value, extendable
> Note: I am not referring here to the option. The numeric values are freely chooses numbers, the only this that varies from post to post is the number of numeric values put.
> Let me make an example (If the attribute were a string this would be the equivalent):
> 1st post: A process that was run with 3 wafers (ID: 1000, ID: 1001 and ID: 1002):
> wafer IDs = 1000, 1001, 1002
> 2nd post: A process that is run with 2 wafers (ID: 1000 and ID: 1002):
> wafer IDs = 1000, 1002
> The string solves the issue, but is not as nice as having directly a list of integers.
> Thanks for your help!
> Best,
> Nick
  69787   Fri Apr 19 12:30:52 2024 Reply Nick Sauerweinnick.sauerwein@luxtelligence.aiInfoLinux3.1.4Re: Extendable list of numeric items
Hey eloggers,

does anyone have an answer to this question?

Thanks for the help.



> Hey, 
> thanks for your answer. I completely get your point. However, I think my question as not precise enough.
> I would like to have a numeric input, but many at the same time. When I make a new post, I would like to have an attribute 'wafer_IDs' that specifies the list of wafers this 
process has been performed with. So for a single post I would like to have a list like this:
> wafer_IDs = numeric value, numeric value, numeric value, extendable
> Note: I am not referring here to the option. The numeric values are freely chooses numbers, the only this that varies from post to post is the number of numeric values put.
> Let me make an example (If the attribute were a string this would be the equivalent):
> 1st post: A process that was run with 3 wafers (ID: 1000, ID: 1001 and ID: 1002):
> wafer IDs = 1000, 1001, 1002
> 2nd post: A process that is run with 2 wafers (ID: 1000 and ID: 1002):
> wafer IDs = 1000, 1002
> The string solves the issue, but is not as nice as having directly a list of integers.
> Thanks for your help!
> Best,
> Nick
  69786   Tue Apr 16 13:31:02 2024 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestMac OSX3.1.5Re: Suggestion to update Mac OS X instructions in ELOG Administrator's Guide

Thanks, fixed.


Andreas Warburton wrote:

Hi Stefan, Thanks a lot for implementing the updated commands. I noted that there are a few typos that could cause people confusion if not fixed:

In one case, "launchctl" is misspelled.

Confusingly, I think the two lines containing the 'enable' and 'disable' commands use the contiguous text string "system/ch.psi.elogd" (no space), whereas the two lines containing the 'bootstrap' and 'bootout' commands use the phrase "system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist" (note space after 'system').

Many thanks, Andreas W.

  69785   Tue Apr 16 13:20:01 2024 Reply Andreas Warburtonandreas.warburton@mcgill.caRequestMac OSX3.1.5Re: Suggestion to update Mac OS X instructions in ELOG Administrator's Guide

Hi Stefan, Thanks a lot for implementing the updated commands. I noted that there are a few typos that could cause people confusion if not fixed:

In one case, "launchctl" is misspelled.

Confusingly, I think the two lines containing the 'enable' and 'disable' commands use the contiguous text string "system/ch.psi.elogd" (no space), whereas the two lines containing the 'bootstrap' and 'bootout' commands use the phrase "system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist" (note space after 'system').

Many thanks, Andreas W.

Stefan Ritt wrote:


Thanks for the info, I updated the adminguide.


Andreas Warburton wrote:

Here's a more complete/correct set of the updated commands:

sudo launchctl enable system/ch.psi.elogd
sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist 

sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist
sudo launchctl disable system/ch.psi.elogd


Andreas Warburton wrote:

The section of the ELOG Administrator's Guide describing how to build and install ELOG on a Mac OS X system has worked well for me for several years, even though there have been warnings that the "load" and "unload" subcommands of the "launchctl" command have been deprecated for some time.  After trying my luck again on a new Mac with the latest operating system, I encountered errors of the type "Load failed: 5: Input/output error" when attempting to follow these instructions.

After a bit of searching around, I used information at the page to deploy the more current subcommands as follows:

sudo launchctl enable system/ch.psi.elogd
sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist 

sudo launchctl disable system/ch.psi.elogd

Once the above can be verified, perhaps the instructions in the Administrator's Guide can be updated accordingly.





  69784   Mon Apr 15 18:05:27 2024 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestMac OSX3.1.5Re: Suggestion to update Mac OS X instructions in ELOG Administrator's Guide

Thanks for the info, I updated the adminguide.


Andreas Warburton wrote:

Here's a more complete/correct set of the updated commands:

sudo launchctl enable system/ch.psi.elogd
sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist 

sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist
sudo launchctl disable system/ch.psi.elogd


Andreas Warburton wrote:

The section of the ELOG Administrator's Guide describing how to build and install ELOG on a Mac OS X system has worked well for me for several years, even though there have been warnings that the "load" and "unload" subcommands of the "launchctl" command have been deprecated for some time.  After trying my luck again on a new Mac with the latest operating system, I encountered errors of the type "Load failed: 5: Input/output error" when attempting to follow these instructions.

After a bit of searching around, I used information at the page to deploy the more current subcommands as follows:

sudo launchctl enable system/ch.psi.elogd
sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/ch.psi.elogd.plist 

sudo launchctl disable system/ch.psi.elogd

Once the above can be verified, perhaps the instructions in the Administrator's Guide can be updated accordingly.




  69783   Mon Apr 15 17:53:23 2024 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinuxELOG V3.1.3-793Re: Draft saved after ~15 minutes, then anything entered a few hours later is ignored

That's strange. If you edit a message, indeed a draft is saved every ten seconds or so when you keep typing. In our installations we keep an elog entry typically open for eight hours, then save it at the end of the shift, and everything works fine. Have you tried playing aournd with your config file, like "Restrict edit time" or so? Please also make sure you have the current elog version. I sse you have 3.1.3 which is quit old.

Celeste Torkzaban wrote:


I've noticed that many times, I start an elog and continue editing adding to a few hours later, then I submit and it deletes everything I entered after the last time a draft was saved. I paid more attention and saw that it saves a draft after about a few minutes, and if I wait too long before submitting, it doesn't let me re-save the draft. My workaround is to copy all text before I submit, so if it ignores whatever I entered after the last saved version, I can edit it and paste it back in. Is there a setting someplace that I can change to fix this problem?



  69782   Mon Apr 15 17:50:20 2024 Reply Stefan RittHastefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindowsELOG V3.1.3-793Re: Record date isn't set to current date when replying to elogs

Have you tried the config option "Preset on reply <attribute> = $date". On a reply, the <attribute> will be preset with the current date.


Celeste Torkzaban wrote:


I started using the record date feature in one logbook, since we plan to copy over old entries Joplin/Onenote. When starting a new entry, I see that the record date is automatically set to the current date, but when I reply to an elog, the record date is automatically set to the record date of the elog I'm replying to. Is there a way to fix this?



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6