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icon5.gif   implement 'hide attribute' and 'sort attribute', posted by Heiko Scheit on Thu Dec 2 14:39:50 2004 
Could you implement a 'hide attribute' and 'sort attribute' config option?
While sort is probably not so easy to do the hide option would already 
be very useful.  What I want to do is to use elog to collect bibtex entries
which are then used to generate a bibtex file.  So, e.g. if the entry 
type 'Article' is selected I would like that all fields that do not make
sense are hidden.  Currently I just lock them.  The config looks like

Attributes                  = Login, Bibtex Key, Entry Type, Address,
Annote, Author, Booktitle, Chapter, Crossref, Edition, Editor, Howpublished,
Institution, Journal, Key, Month, Note, Number, Organization, Pages,
Publisher, School, Series, Title, Type, Volume, Year, URL, Short Comment
Options Entry Type          = Article{1}, Book{2}, Booklet{3}, InBook{4},
InCollection{5}, InProceedings{6}, Manual{7}, MastersThesis{8}, Misc{9},
PhDThesis{a}, Proceedings{b}, TechReport{c}, Unpublished{d}
Required Attributes         = Entry Type
{1} Comment Author          = [required]
{1} Comment Journal         = [required]
{1} Comment Title           = [required]
{1} Comment Year            = [required]
{1} Locked Attributes       = Address, Annote, Booktitle, Chapter, Crossref,
Edition, Editor, Howpublished, Institution, Key, Organization, Publisher,
School, Series, Type

Instead of Locking the attributes, hiding them altogether would make the
entry form look much nicer.  
A further improvement would be to sort the attributes, e.g. for author I
would sort the like this, i.e. the more important entries first:

{1} Sort Attributes    = Author, Title, Journal, Volume, Pages, Year, Month,
Number, Note

Attributes not mentioned in the sort line could then be displayed 
in any order. 
icon5.gif   Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by David Kappel on Mon Dec 13 19:46:46 2004 

right now I'm testing Elog to use it as a task/todo-log for our small 
workgroup. What I saw so far looks very nice and I like it very much. 
Thanks for the good work.

Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
the "Conditional attributes".

-- snip

Options Area = Area_1{1}, Area_2{2}, Area_51{3}
{1} Options Ressort = Res01, Res whatever, end so on
{2} Options Ressort = somthing else, fill in
{3} Options Ressort = Alien observation, Budget planning
Extendable options = Ressort

-- snip

The "Conditinal Attributes" do have the "Add Ressort" button and the elog-
entry is written with this new attribute. But the new attribute is not 
inserted into the config file.

Long time ago I last read C syntax but mabye the function 
add_attribute_option should take care of the prefix {n} in extendable 

Or do I miss something in the configuration syntax? 


icon5.gif   admin menu, posted by Heiko Scheit on Sun Dec 19 17:11:07 2004 
Could you implemet and option 'admin menu' which gets displayed
when an 'admin' is logged in.  This menu could e.g. also include 'Delete'
while the normal menu would not.
    icon5.gif   Re: admin menu, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Dec 20 17:22:28 2004 
> Could you implemet and option 'admin menu' which gets displayed
> when an 'admin' is logged in.  This menu could e.g. also include 'Delete'
> while the normal menu would not.

You can achieve the same via

Allow delete = <admin name>
    icon2.gif   Re: Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jan 6 10:08:54 2005 
> Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
> I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
> the "Conditional attributes".

That was never ment to work. But I found some time to implement it. If you
download elog255-4.exe from today it whould work. Let me know if you have
    icon2.gif   Re: implement 'hide attribute' and 'sort attribute', posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jan 6 11:25:54 2005 
> Could you implement a 'hide attribute' and 'sort attribute' config option?

I implemented it as 'hidden attributes = <list>' and 'sort attributes'.
    icon3.gif   Re: Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by David Kappel on Fri Jan 7 17:15:14 2005 
> > Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
> > I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
> > the "Conditional attributes".
> That was never ment to work. But I found some time to implement it. If you
> download elog255-4.exe from today it whould work. Let me know if you have
> problems.

Thanks a lot for fixing this issue, especially as it was never planed. I will
test it on Monday afternoon and will give you a reply.
    icon2.gif   Re: implement 'hide attribute' and 'sort attribute', posted by Heiko Scheit on Mon Jan 10 19:44:16 2005 
> > Could you implement a 'hide attribute' and 'sort attribute' config option?
> I implemented it as 'hidden attributes = <list>' and 'sort attributes'.

'sort attributes' sorts the logbook entries when they are displayed.  Or?

What I want is to rearrange the entry mask.  E.g. if 'Entry type' article is
selected then the attributes 'Author', 'Journal', 'Title', and 'Year' 
should be listed first, as they are required for this bibtex entry type.
Is it possible with the current elogd version to also sort (rearrange) the 
attributes in the entry mask?  If yes, how?  

Thanks for your time.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6